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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. I have to say if I haven't already this does not sound like the same Leslie sim as what I had on the VK8m module. This one has much better clarity . It could be the defaults are different..I really like the clarity overall of the upper manual settings of the tone wheel section. I think I had been missing my VK8m module which had chorus vibrato like this. My VK8m had Leslie sim bypass feature. That did not come stock. 

  2. I have been trying to work with the manual to resolve this split thing..... it's very difficult to navigate. Having upper lower organ manual seems more like an afterthought on this board unless I can somehow come up with another solution. Which would be too bad because the organ sound is just excellent....possibly my favorite of all of them. Which is why I can't understand why there would be all kinds of bitching at the mere mention of Roland organs in past threads. There is just excellent fidelity and clarity from this sample. The Leslie sim also sounds better than what I remember from the VK8m module. If the VR09 is anything like the 760 it is definitely worth consideration......

  3. I have another post going regarding the VR760. ........anyway someone over there mentioned that there has been a firmware update to the chorus vibrato section of the VR09.. The original version did not separate vibrato from the percussion.Someone said they fixed this.....and I would like to hear one that has been fixed.....though I suppose you would have to find one that has been updated .The 760 I just got got has phenomenal chorus vibrato and Leslie sim.....I don't ever recall hearing them this good on the VK8. How similar might the VR09 be to the VR760? If it's anywhere close It could be worthy of consideration

  4. I did get percussion volume editing figured out.When you press edit it says Press Edit Group. So what could that be? In this case it is the percussion functions ..second third soft and slow. So eventually I figured out which cursor affected it... But the manual does not tell you in an understandable manner.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           So now that I have percussion volume right I can hear how good the Leslie sim is. This thing has very nice chorale.....when mixed with the sim does not dramatically affect the organ tone the way some sim and percussion combinations do

  5. Also...the keybed.You don't have to fight it. The keys feel excellent because there is a lack of resistance that some of the "other" brands seem intent on. I will say I am struggling a bit trying to Edit things like percussion volume and it's not apparently obvious how to get upper and lower manual split. The owners manual is somewhat overly wordy. I am sure I will get there but at this time when I hit edit button it is saying....press edit group. Not exactly sure what that means. Anyway.....lot of people have been chasing that clonewheel carrot on a stick while Roland gave us a pretty damn good clonewheel sound over twenty years ago.

  6. 6 hours ago, KRK said:



    just for comparison, here I put some examples of the various sounds from that great instrument!

    Roland VR 760 & other (old and new ones)...

    All I can say is WOW....I was able to pick up this 760 at a very stupid price. The first thing I want to say is....there are some members who have been saying for YEARS that Roland makes crappy clonewheels DONT BELIEVE it. The chorus vibrato on this is excellent!!! The people who dis the Rolands are generally Hammond Suzuki die hards.....it's been awhile since I have been able to re visit Rolands since mine was ripped of by someone I loaned it to. I love the CV on this.....also the COSM overdrive and the Leslie sim is better than some other very popular clones that seem bent to destroy the basic organ tone  with " cabinet simulation " and mic distance etc etc. 

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  7. Just now, mrk7421 said:

    I have ZERO interest in the VR09. I don't want to sound like a hater but Roland SCREWED UP the chorus vibrato on the VR09.....the percussion is not separated from the vibrato...so you get vibrato in the percussion...Yuck....don't tell me it doesn't matter. The price on the one I am looking at today is far below some of the options you mentioned and most VR09.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The VR09 also does not have the 760 keybed.....one of the better keybeds out there IMO.. The thing I remember about the 760 is that it doesn't split bass.... unless you get an expander card. I also have no idea how good pianos are.

    Does the 760 split lower and upper manual? 

  8. I have ZERO interest in the VR09. I don't want to sound like a hater but Roland SCREWED UP the chorus vibrato on the VR09.....the percussion is not separated from the vibrato...so you get vibrato in the percussion...Yuck....don't tell me it doesn't matter. The price on the one I am looking at today is far below some of the options you mentioned and most VR09.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The VR09 also does not have the 760 keybed.....one of the better keybeds out there IMO.. The thing I remember about the 760 is that it doesn't split bass.... unless you get an expander card. I also have no idea how good pianos are.

  9. OK....I have an appointment to look at this today at a bargain price. First....I actually really like the Roland organs from this period (VK8 etc.) though I have had MORE than my fair share of Roland haters whenever I have tried to discuss Roland organs. I had a VK8m module I absolutely loved but foolishly loaned it to someone who did not return it. I also had a RD,300 GX piano that recently failed on me but after 15 years of solid service! So you could say I am a Roland fan of this era.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I have rarely ever even seen a VR760. I liked the keybed from this period......probably more so than the recent Fatar on the Mojo/ Viscount/ Electro and such. I have heard though that the VR760 does not do lower/ upper manual split unless you buy an expansion card....???? And I have never heard the AP/ EP set it has though I like some of the piano modeling from this period. One of the uses I might have for this would be as a controller for the collection of organ modules I have..... Viscount, Mojo and HX3.                                                                                                                                                                                                              So....if anyone has had experience with the VR760 I would like to hear from you. I thought the VK8m had some of the best chorus vibrato I have heard to this day.....and I miss the EP from the RD300gx. I also may be looking at a RD700 GX.....does a board have to be new to be good? Roland had a lot going on back in this period.....your thoughts?

  10. I do really like what Yamaha did with the latest Montage but the price is out of the question. I really want to like the P515 but it reminds me too much of the CP5 I bought a few years back....I started hearing things Yamaha was doing that are common to the CFX sample. Also I prefer the FP10 to something like the FP,30x.....the FP 10 sounds noticeably warmer with less shrill overtones. But if you don't use a good amo and speakers it is going to come off as being cheap sounding.... But if you take it to the next level...you might be surprised

  11. I guess I feel inclined to defend my interest in Roland....after having lived with the " lowly" FP 10 for over 3 years my experience is that if you use it with a good amo with some EQ and we'll matched phones it might surprise you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I have had several opportunies to pick up P 515 s recently  and I feel the same way about Yamaha that you guys do about Roland. But specifically now....I am not wild about the harmonic overtones in the lower register. And ditto for some areas of the upper register....too much twang for me. And I may have said that I do prefer the FP10 over the FP30x and some other Supernaturals. On to post two.....my phone doesn't type paragraphs.....

  12. If I got on this forum and tried to tell you guys that I think that I am the Jimi Hendrix of the organ I would hope that you would find a way to make me stop. Somebody....assuming this guy doesn't have a tour manager handed that statement for the MC to read. Doley had to have been aware of it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Maybe I should have noticed Hammond Dave's comment about him putting on quite  a  show..... I guess I don't care much these days about what kind of show you have I am mostly concerned about the music. Quite honestly there hasn't been much in the thirty or so plus years at the blues festival that would fall under the category of being about show.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It has been said that at the end of Hendrix career that he had tired of his past on stage antics and he just wanted to play....ala Band of Gypsies and his Rainbow bridge performance. I do think Lachy Doley does have a lot to offer but at that gig it seemed that he was overcompensating to get over to the large crowd. I liked him more in a sideman role which I was fortunate enough to hear later that day.

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  13. I heard him at the Waterfront Blues festival on Thursday.....with his own band and later as a sideman with vocalist Jade Macrae and  guitarist Kirk Fletcher .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    The musical style was pedal to the metal for most part. Lachy seems to have a grip on how to make a Hammond sound exciting and he has a lot going regarding use of drawbars and coaxing unique sounds out of his instrument. He was obviously pumped to be doing his first American tour and he was in front of a large crowd of approximately 5000 or so people.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The thing that concerned me was that the material was not all that intriguing. When a band is relying on doing Voodoo Child ( loud version ) it is just reminding me too much of all the times I have heard bands fall back on this and once again purely pedal to the metal. It was also announced before the set that we would be hearing. ,the ,"Jimi Hendrix of the Hammond organ "....which was not even close and  I would wonder whose idea it was to announce him as that?                                                                                                                                                       What really got my attention was the set he did with Jade Macrae and Kirk Fletcher. Jade is an excellent vocalist and her material was well suited to the blues festival. In this environment Lachy played very tastefully and his Hammond sounds did much to enhance this set. After I heard his band I was wondering what he would do in a less "urgent" environment and to my surprise he showed up in a later set of just that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        It seems to me that the Lachy Doley Band aim is to to knock your socks off, take no prisoners etc etc.It was refreshing to know that there is more to him than that but please.....lose the Jimi Hendrix of the organ billing ASAP 




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  14. Yes.....I am going to be able to go hear Tower of Power that night. Quite a few years ago they played at that same location.....There is a bandstand right in front of the river in Albany Oregon.Tower of Power on a summer night.....sounds just about ideal doesn't it? The band members usually hang out and talk to people at this event..... in years past Rocco would always be available to chat with as well as Roger Smith Jerry Cortez etc.etc. These guys are into year 56 at this point.....will they make it to 60?

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  15. I have on occasion tried to twist Mr. McIntosh's arm and tried to get him to check in with this forum. One thing I do know about Michael is he is very conscientious about pricing and I also know he does teck work because he loves to help people. He had a huge reputation among players in the Portland area for many years. There shouldn't be a problem about asking questions ....I can relay some things to him and I do some amount of trying to help out as far as getting gear to and from his shop if needed. It's fairly amazing to reestablish contact with several players who I knew many years ago. In general digital keyboards can be a pain and do not have the longevity of something like a toneweel Hammond.

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  16. I have both the Mojo module and the Viscount module and both have been dependable for me. My biggest frustration is in trying to tame some of these Leslie sim issues. The HX3 sim and the Mojo sim drive me nuts because there is so much I don't understand about mic distance ...cabinet simulation and the like. Of all the Sims I find the Viscount most useful with the exception of overdrive. I am severely tempted to use a Leslie with the Mojo or HX3. It wouldn't be too hard to get a 45 size cabinet going....I just haven't gotten around to it

  17. McIntosh Audio is 503 931 7577.....meeting with Michael should be time well spent. He is up in West Salem. So this is the one I know about....I suppose I know the original owner. Anyway Michael will take care of of you and he is not one of those overpriced hourly labor sharks.His first concern is to get you going....

  18. Well....knowing most of the players who have owned Mojo's and toneweel Hammond's between Portland and Eugene I can just about GUESS who might have owned and modded this Mojo. Is it a dual manual....and was it previously used at jam nights in the Albany/ Corvallis area? I guess I shouldn't make this public perhaps but it's possible I  have played this instrument.....no ?  Once again.....I know Andrea personally.....I met him and Guido at NAMM quite a few years ago and helped them with some sales and service connections and I assure you that they and McIntosh Audio go to great lengths to keep the Crumar instruments ticking. It sounds like this might be an older Mojo dual manual ? Regardless....Michael is one tech who will go to great lengths to keep it going..

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  19. And Beato seems to be able to bitch all he wants about the state of the music industry. Yet somehow I am wrong for speaking up about him? The only education I get from him is his skill at self promotion. Thank God I don't have to chase that one anymore....

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  20. I think Beato is in danger of monopolizing the interview market. If you want to see a bad Beato interview listen to the one he did with Chuck Rainey where he's over there laughing when things ain't funny......to quote Mose Allison I try hard to avoid him though because I know he is going to upset me. And he's constantly begging for money so he can interview his dream guests. I know some of you guys think I am supposed to like him....how can I when he is showing off his personal gym ?And as far as I am concerned this is not education when he is demonstrating guitar licks but not teaching them at anywhere near learnable tempos. If Frank Zappa were alive today.....some of you would probably be saying that he shouldn't be speaking out. I can't demand that people see what I see.....I just wish his stuff would stop  showing up when I search YouTube.

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  21. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't you in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon? Did you know that the national service center for Crumar is McIntosh Audio in Salem? Michael McIntosh works closely with Andrea in Italy to support Crumar both in and out of warranty. Let me know if you need contact info.... I will post if you don't already have it

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  22. A lot of you seem to love this Beato guy....I do not. I tried to listen to this clip and had to turn it off. Was he addressing us from his personal gym in the latter part of this video ?  I do not agree that music was ever easy to make. And the fact that people no longer worship recordings as religious objects? That is gone....there are many reasons why but one place to start is the price of tickets to hear major artists in concert. I do not respect this person and strongly wish his videos would stop popping up so frequently in my YouTube search. I sadly miss Joe Chambers from Musicians Hall of Fame who never went off on crazy rants like this.

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  23. I am curious about Liano but I never see them at GC or anywhere else. Weighted keys are not always a must for me and if it means decreased weight and decreased price I am all for it. Also hoping to check out Go Keys....how are the acoustic and electric pianos on those?


    Really hoping that Roland would offer the FP-10 acoustic sound in something light weight...to me the FP-10 broke new ground in sound for under $600 list. That sound engine would be wonderful in a light weight board. For some reason Roland has gone in a strange direction with EPs.....the FP30x just sucks. My 15 year old Casio CTK 4200 just blows it away....I just don't get it                                                                                                                                                                                                        For now.....the Rhodes in the Casio CTK 4200 works for me. This is the 61 key version of the WK220 from quite a while back. That Rhodes to me is very similar to some of what was on the Motif...in fact I preferred it to most  of what was on the MOXF awhile back. I see them in the $40 to $50 range on Craigslist occasionally. It gets the job done for a lot of grab and go situations. And the WK220 /CTK4200  acoustic sample will get you by among a dense mix of other electric instruments. Not bad to have one given that they are practically free in the used market .



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