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Posts posted by bitsy

  1. Hey I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I wanted to start a thread for discussing your favorite band (who, why, what they sound like, where you can see them, etc)


    Mine has got to be The Living End. These guys kill it on stage. I lived in Oz for a year a couple years ago and when I saw them I remember thinking North Americas got nothing on these boys. Best show I've ever seen, really hard and crazy, a real night to remember, not like some bands who just stand there playing through their set while the audience brings all the love. I can't stand when you pay for a show, are completely psyched to go and then the band acts like their on downers. Total turn off on all fronts.


    Cant wait to see TLE again next sunday (27th) at mod club. It's been too long.



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