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or eighty eight

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About or eighty eight

  • Birthday 02/20/1971


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  1. Thank you for clarifying. Good wishes to you
  2. I'm trying to block this member but can't seem to find how. I'd be delighted for assistance as life is too short to read their posts
  3. To those who were kind enough to advise and help, thank you. The venue had a very very basic keyboard and a sing song was had, keeping many people happy. I'm not sure if someone said I was trying to "run the place". My first post, asking to help somebody out. Throughout my life I have provided equipment to help people out, In professional situations I have provided employment to more people than some can imagine. And before you say it, I'm not seeking any praise - I just want to make it clear to some who might suggest I'm a cheapskate of sorts etc. There's certainly 1 person your forum could do without and I'm behind them on the list. My first time experience here? Some odd people, some kind & helpful. Welcome to the internet, some people's lack of happiness is not my concern . . .
  4. This is great Mike, thank you. I have contacted Hillsound.
  5. That's very kind thank you. I will be flying to Heathrow.
  6. I am from Ireland, travelling to Teddington, London
  7. Yes Teddington, London. I will check that out thank you. I am not interested in any of your comments. I was sent here from another forum. I'll be on my way back there for some manners
  8. Dislike? What an odd response.
  9. Bit of a long shot perhaps. I am travelling from Ireland to a relative's birthday party in Teddington. They have asked me to play a little (some solo, some sing song). Naturally I can't bring my piano. So, does anyone know where an 88 key (or slightly less) Electric piano could be borrowed? Say from a local school, church, community centre. Or if there is a hire place for such I can ask the birthday boy if there's a budget for this. The piano could be something like a Casio Privia, Yamaha P120 type for example. Would need in built speakers. Thank you.
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