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Paul K

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Everything posted by Paul K

  1. Groove Mama recommended this song for me. https://soundcloud.com/paul-kempkes/doctor-my-eyes-4-15-14 flange is always cool.
  2. OMG. Even more swirly goodness. And I even play bass on it. Original composition. PS Welcome back, musicplayer.com!!
  3. Here's something with a Hammond on it, so you know it's cool. Full band version of something that I think I've posted before.
  4. Protocol Omega Potato Justice League
  5. Jimmy Fallon's version with Bruce prompted me to do this one. https://soundcloud.com/paul-kempkes/born-to-run-2-9-14 PS- Nice job, Nancy. And I've also worked up "Dr. My Eyes" on your advice.
  6. Fixed. Phase issues resolved. Here's the new link. https://soundcloud.com/paul-kempkes/born-to-run-2-9-14
  7. The color of your pants, plus what you had for lunch. Mine today would be "Khaki Flag Burger".
  8. A little help on how to EQ the vocals to get them out of the garbage can would be appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/paul-kempkes/born-to-run-2-9-14
  9. https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2559611/Gig_Spam#Post2559611
  10. Their first record would need to be named "My Private Summer"
  11. The Broken Links The Similar Artists
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