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Paul K

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Everything posted by Paul K

  1. Quickie Dave Holland report. They were wonderful, but that kind of jazz just ain't for me. Once again my wife asked, "Are they all playing the same tune?", and I responded, "Hell....I dunno if they're even in the same time signature or key". But since nobody gave anybody else the Stink-eye on stage, I assume they meant it all. I've never heard Dave H's stuff, but was expecting a more melodic performance since I thought he was schooled in big band. I was wrong. But the vibe player was phenomenal, and I'm glad he had only four mallets instead of the ten fingers that a piano player overuses. Ever seen the yarn on a mallet unwind after someone beats the piss out of it for too long? Lot'sa fun. So if you like that way outside freaky jazz thing, it was fabulous. Top notch talent, executed brilliantly. Me? I wish I had my $62 back.
  2. The Mrs. and I are going to see Dave Holland in about an hour. I hate parking at Cornell University.
  3. Congrats!!!!! That's quite a showing of tenacity. Oh. Good name for a band. "Nasty Tenacity" Peace Paul K
  4. I have the old Yamaha DD50 fake drum thing. It's a hoot! On a separate note, how about that Bolt guy who shaved more than a tenth of a second off of the 100 yd dash world record! Wow!
  5. Or use it as a way to get others to see and hear The Mighty Powerful in action in order to get a better gig. Then stuff'em. The next gig doesn't ever find you in your living room. Go kiss some frogs.
  6. Just a little "Hooray For Me!" post. The Steely Dan cover band killed last night. Totally rocked, crowd ages ranged from barely legal to social security range. No nerves at all when singing now. That's a big step. With big support from the diaphram I hit all the high notes. Well...most of them, anyway... Lots of kudos on our vocal harmonies. Bar numbers were great, owner wants us on a regular rotation. I have to admit that the lead singer makes me sound better than I am. When I'm doing backup vocals I often can just sing the melody of the chorus and he sings a solid harmony. Methinks backups are much harder than singing lead.
  7. The Frozen Chosen. I like that one.
  8. WTF. It seems that all my patients either have smoker's dragon breath, don't know the bristle side of a toothbrush, or haven't washed their clothes since the last time it rained. I'm just getting stinkified out of my exam room. Hey "Bleeding Gums Murphy"! This just in! A little floss and peroxide once in awhile wouldn't hurt! The Fabreeze orange scent sort of makes it worse, and I haven't been able to find a can of Citrus-Scent (the gold-standard in de-stinkafication) in a long time. Woe is me.
  9. Bad day to be in Tehran. Do we have any forumites from that part of the world?
  10. ROFL............................................ Me? Three minutes in the pool and my lips turn blue.
  11. The wife has been jonesin' for one of those numbers since our season is kind of short here. The pool pump is in the garage, so it'd be a short run for the pipes. An extra five or eight degrees F would make a huge difference.
  12. OK, so the pool needed a new solar cover this year; they only last three or four years. I figured I'd buy the clear one; more short wavelength electromagnetic radiation (uh...visible wavelength light...) makes it through the cover and gets absorbed by the pool liner thus radiates long wavelength electromagnetic radiation (heat) into the pool water that gets kept inside the pool via the insulating properties of the solar cover. So far, so good. Pool is unusually warm for this time of year. Down side is that I've had to attack the pool twice for algae growth even though I'm using the same amounts of chemicals. Damn photosynthesis. Ruins everything. More chemicals, please.......
  13. OK, so wrong thread for this. But if you're having burgers then do it right. Try this recipe: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Napa-Valley-Cabernet-Burgers-108303 You don't have to put them on focaccia, but do put it on something other than that ubiquitous Wonder Bread type of burger bun. It is the bomb. I've done'em a couple of times, and have even had a 12 year old nephew say to me, "Hey, these are really good burgers!" Smart kid.
  14. Jazz Hands Guillotine (Yes. Slow day at work today.)
  15. The swing vote on the Supreme Court (guitar #2) didn't care one way or the other. I could have persevered, but I chose to pick a battle worth winning.
  16. ...sigh... Guitar player #1 shot down the "Aja-Vu" name. So we are (yawn....) "Do It Again".
  17. Ravi Shankapotamus? Could be. I was thinking more along these lines: I know...too much TV.
  18. My last patient looked just like Iggy Pop. Not a very good look for a lady....
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