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Paul K

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Everything posted by Paul K

  1. I thought I was gonna be a round bottomed hole.
  2. You're a dome-headed pin. But really, I like that idea a whole lot: it supplies tactile as well as visual feedback if you only countersink half way up the pin head. And no need hunting down a forstner bit, since you really do want a round bottomed hole. Yes. I know....
  3. DIY side dots: I had a thread about that, but it's over two years old. Easy to do, easier if you hunt out the appropriate size forstner bit. I got the side dots on eBay for cheap. Spring for the glow in the dark ones. I have stick-on glow in the dark side dots, but they move around when the weather gets hot and humid. I don't know if you'll really have to re-plane the fretboard as it is. It sounds like you really didn't play the bass much; the wear might be acceptable. Put some flats, half wound, or nylon tapes on it and see if you can get it to play just right. If you can, then Ixnay the sanding part. Make sure the nut is cut down to the appropriate height; they all come way too high from the factory. If you can get it to play the way you want, then buy some EMG's and be done with it.
  4. OK, so I haven't had many bass gigs since I'm concentrating on that singer thing. But had a bass gig saturday night. It took till today for my plucking hand index finger to stop hurting. It's like I had pancake for fingertips. And...The guy at work who would say "have a beautiful day" and high-five me at each passing has quit. Indeed, it was a beautiful day.
  5. There has to be a story behind that one. OK. First a little background for the whippersnappers. In the late 70's, This Lady was the hottest thing on the planet. Young girls wanted to look just like her; young boys wanted to, well, uh...use your imagination. Two out of three college dorms had that poster on the wall. The blow dryer and round brush were new commodities at this time, and young women spent hours trying to achieve that hairstyle; few were successful. A couple days ago my wife came into the Man Cave (Ha!!!just to piss off Eric...) and said, "Check out my Accidental Farrah." The left side of her hairdo was exactly Farrah, and it was a total accident. Right side was not, however....
  6. That friend of mine with the new heart just got out of the hospital and will be home for Christmas. That, my friends, is pretty cool.
  7. It is true that I am patchouli-free and have rid myself of the ponytail some time ago.
  8. wOOt! I just sold my Peavey Hernia 300 amp. Any idea how much space that opens up in the closet for a PA?!?!? Ha! That, and I will NEVER have to horse it up another flight of stairs! Is it Peavy or Peavey?
  9. Didja see the new Pompalamoose (or something...)X-mas Hyundai commercial? Our whiter than white friends are doing well for themselves; hooray for them! She is soooo cute. Infectious vibe. Almost as cool as the Kia comercial with the rapping mice. I about pee my pants each time they crash the cardboard bus. Total brilliance! Almost makes me want to buy a car.
  10. I just got back from a weekend trip to Wash DC. The rally was way cool; more people than I've ever seen in my life. The news did not do justice to the #'s of people there. And not just young people. Lots of old people. But the limiting factor wasn't the people; it was that the Metro just couldn't bring any more people in. All cars were jam packed at 9:45 at the Strathmore stop on the red line, which is three or four stops from the end of that line. And more than two hours after the event, we gave up and had dinner in D.C. 'cause we still couldn't get on a train to go home. During the rally, even 7th Avenue was totally totally packed as far as the eye could see. Wonder how many people ended up pissing their pants. It's like you just couldn't move. Great fun! The people of D.C. are just the nicest people in the world. We didn't come across a single surly person. OK, so I only found one Kandinsky in the museums. But I can live with that, 'cause there were tons of Picasso's, Monet's and bunch of other dead people's work. Really, though: Just nice and helpful people, even after the rally when the restaurant people did have a right to be at least a little crabby; they were tired but still had a smile that wasn't an act... Not like Ithaca. OK, so the Metro. I've done subways all over, but never one where you paid more for a longer ride, and more for rush hours (which I thankfully didn't have to deal with); as such, you really are paying for the ride when you exit instead of when you enter. That's F'd up, right? So here's the tip: at first, put just a couple dollars on your Metro card. This will get you onto the train, and basically tells their computer where you got on the train. Then on the way out, slide your card in the separate kiosk will tell you how much more you need to put on the card in order to leave the subway. Put that much on the card, plus one dollar. That way the turnstyle will give you back the card for your next trip. On your last subway ride of the vacation, just put in the exact amount you'll need. The turnstyle will keep the card 'cause it's empty, and you're done. Tokens were so much easier for the occasional rider.......
  11. OK. So the same fella now tries to high-five me each and every time we pass. Really. In a medical office.
  12. The Undisclosed Recipients
  13. The "Scare" Quotes yes. gotta have the unnecessary punctuation.
  14. Good idea, but it will fall on deaf ears 'cause this fella lives a bit too far on the left side of the bell curve. He's a real outlier.....
  15. OK, so here at work the new guy says to about every customer on their way out the door, "Have a beautiful day." I gag a little each time I hear it. What should I do?
  16. The Brain Scholars. Maybe even spell scholars wrong or add a couple umlauts.
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