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Paul K

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Everything posted by Paul K

  1. Ha! The wife and I hosted a party last night. A good friend brought over his jack russell terrier. The dog evidently has a fondness for licking toads. She got all foamy mouth and weird. Glad we found out early 'cause we're dog sitting for her in a couple weeks. That just saved us a bundle on an unnecessary trip to the vet....
  2. Hilarious! Not really, it's becoming a problem. Oh, man. I'm so retarded. I can't believe I had to google that.
  3. OK, so the cat who bought my car sent me an e-mail today. It appears he needs to raise $6400 ASAP and is putting the Stealth and his bike and his other car and whatever on craigslist. No biggie for me, 'cause the check has already cleared--me no dummy. But cripey. Dude bought a toy car that he knew needed big money repair without having a dime in the bank. That's cutting it pretty close to the bone. So I got a great line on a Stealth TT. Motivated seller. PM me for details. Kidding. Unless you're a car guy who wants a stealth......
  4. The Spivs Dr. K and the Slick Criminals
  5. A bittersweet day. I sold my car. She was a high maintenance hottie that just overstayed her welcome. Wonderful to look at, wonderful when she worked. Misery when she was in the shop. Finding a mechanic to work on a dead platform, or even a mechanic who can think like a mechanic and not just "bolt-stuff-on" is hard around here. The twin turbos and all wheel drive will be missed. And dumb-ass me: I drove it to the shop where the all wheel steer will be fixed by the new owner. My home keys fell out of my pocket and onto the driver's seat. I locked the doors and put the Stealth keys in the mechanic's lock box. See, it's not often you drive your car with your keys still in your pocket. http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w166/ptkbass/Stealth%20TT/rightside.jpg
  6. The Vague Associations Ha:jcadmus: I beat you to it....
  7. How about just: The Big Appeal
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/02/business/02ballas.html?_r=1&hpw A sad day, indeed.
  9. So last night was Chick Corea's 70th birthday. If I were in charge of the Syracuse Jazz Festival, I'd have told him that the fireworks were for him. Great show. Much more fun than The Electrik Band show I'd seen here in Ithaca a few years ago. Too bad my wife didn't go, as she would not have had the need to ask me, "Are they all playing the same tune"? Very melodic, yet still technical. Frank Gambale was extraordinary. And it didn't rain.
  10. Syracuse Jazz Festival is this weekend. We saw Average White Band last night in the rain. But I saw Average White Band. When I'm tired of this solo thing maybe I'll try a band that covers their two record live set. That'd be cool. Cut The Cake! Person To Person! I'd have to use frets, but I could get over that. FWIW: Felix Cavaliere's Rascals did play Mustang Sally. I guess that's OK 'cause it really wasn't a blues festival.... Tonight is Return To Forever with Jean Luc Ponty. Frank Gambale will be attendance. He is a monster. And except for $5 parking, it's free. Free, I tell you. Free! And the "no coolers/no beverages" sign is apparently just for insurance purposes.
  11. The Blindfolded Strangers
  12. Ha! My wife liked that one also....
  13. A new record. 3 cents a gigabyte: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=567358&sku=TSD-1000AS4%20CA&SRCCODE=WEM2682V&cm_mmc=email-_-Main-_-WEM2682-_-tigeremail2682
  14. This is more of a policy than a band name, but there's no "band policy" thread: Groupie Discounts
  15. I had a dream last night. In order to promote the band, I was going to record Moammar Gadhafi saying some bad things about my band and create enough links to it so that when someone googled Gadhafi, my band would turn up at the top. Really weird. But, you know, it could work.
  16. I just need to type a little. I did an exam on the piano/percussion cat who got into a horrific car accident last june or july. TBI as well as other long term injuries. I can tell that a great big part of him is still inside; he's not done yet. I'm in awe of his mother, his family, the doctors nurses and clinics and hospitals that put him back together, and am honored to be able to contribute my very small part. It was real hard for me to hold it all together in the exam room. I mean, I did it, but it wasn't easy. What I'm saying is this. Don't take this "life" thing for granted. Not that any of you do, 'cause you're all too cool for that. I'm just saying it's more fragile than we all think.
  17. Doing time at continuing education today. The last presenter was a cross between Gilbert Gottfried and Detective Colombo, but with a Boston accent. It was painful. Very painful.
  18. Oh, and now that my taxes are done I can finally install the E-Mu 1212M sound card thing I picked up on the craigslist. I needed to wait till after taxes were done 'cause a computer crash during the tax process would have been catastrophic.
  19. Taxes are complete. Champagne all around! About had a hear attack until I figured out that Turbotax had me as married filing single instead of married filing joint.
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