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Paul K

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Posts posted by Paul K

  1. I've an upcoming gig where a jam band was requested.  So we needed a name.  I go by "Dr. K" for my solo act.

    For the band we're "Dr. K and The Outliers".


    I like it.

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen;

    My TC Helicon Harmony GXT is showing it's age. I'm gassing for the Perform VG, as it appears to do the same thing but with a couple of helpful features. (These being: Guitar chorus level can be controlled separate from the vocal effects, mute button, headphone out, and a couple other things that are helpful.) The TC Helicon Perform VG videos sound impressive; better than what I get out of the Harmony GXT....but of course it does since it's their videos. Who here has a Perform VG after upgrading from one of TC Helicon's earlier products and what do you think?


    Paul K

    • Like 1
  3. Make sure you buy appropriate short scale strings.  Too long and it's impossible to get the E string around the post without snapping, unraveling, etc.

    On 4/4/2023 at 8:15 AM, lug said:

      witness points. 

    What is a witness point?

  4. 33 minutes ago, b3plyr said:

    Well, Miles Davis said something to the effect ‘’there is no such thing as a wrong note”, or conversely, “there is no such thing as a bad note”. What is important is how you handle the situation.

    I think Miles said words to the effect of, "You should have played it twice" when a bandmate was bitching about a clam during the set.

  5. On 12/1/2022 at 3:01 AM, Dannyalcatraz said:


    The Murder Dildos (a nice rhetorical flourish I saw someone use to refer to the fetishizing of firearms)

    OMG.  Creepy, funny, poignant, sad, spot on.  Dunno which emoji to hit.   

    On 12/1/2022 at 3:01 AM, Dannyalcatraz said:



  6. Very recent.

    Bought an open box TC Helicon Go Solo to get decent audio into my Android phone for live streaming gigs.

    It didn't work on three android phones, nor did it work on my WIn 10 computer.  Sweetwater said, "It's probably a defective unit.  Keep it, we'll send you a brand new one no charge".  I said, "OK!".  2nd one was indeed brand-new.  It worked the same as the first.  Sweetwater quickly said, "Send it back, full refund, here's the shipping label." I sent both units back, refund was very quick.  Easy to deal with.


    So I'm pleased with how I was treated.  And with this unit, my gut says that it'll work on iOS, but not really with Android.  Not happy with TC-Helicon, as their web site says that it'll work on Android.  But digging deeper it appears I need a "10-pin" USB mini to USB-C cable.  No vendors could assure me their cable was 10 pin, and I'm not savy enough to find a work-around...so I bailed.


    Go Solo's are now silly cheap on Sweetwater; they must be tired of the hassles.  So if you have an iOS device you might wanna throw $20 at it. But that's just my guess that it'll work on iOS.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen;


    I stopped getting B.P. magazine some time ago.  Then I kept getting a BP magazine subscription for Christmas, so they would just appear.  That last iteration did not do it for me.  No insight, not great copy, and I'm too old so get those damn kids off of my lawn. 


    Anyway, B.P. is no more.  I got my last copy, and also a check for $12.99 to refund the rest of the gift subscription.   I still have the original issue (Before Volume 1 Issue 1)  with the painting of Jaco on the cover before BP was official, and the second "official" issue with Billy Sheehan on it.  It was a seriously great magazine BITD.  I learned so much about all things bass, especially from Rick Turner's column.  I even got a letter to the editor or two printed. 


    So thanks, B.P. Magazine.   Will miss you.



    Paul K

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