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Posts posted by keyClicker

  1. Hi there... :)


    I have always been lucky to live in places with great music.


    Brazil has a great history and so many great influences. Heavy African rhythm appeal, lots of different cultures in one place. That helped this colorful salad that is Brazil. Unfortunately, like I always mention, I have to leave Brazil to discover good Brazilian musicians. It's like y'all get the good ones and leave us with the bad stuff. :)


    I always remember how ashamed I was that an American had to introduce me to Tania Maria. I cannot believe I grew up in Brazil and in 17 years no one told me about her. Even Eliane Elias. Most of my Brazilian friends do not know her. It's amazing, I know.


    I grew up in south Brazil, touching a little bit of Uruguay and Argentina. They also have great music there. Gaucho tradition, milongas, accordions, guitars, beautiful stuff.


    Nice that you mentioned Chicago. That is one great city... I do miss the US.


    I'm so lucky that I was able to visit and get to know all these amazing places. :)

  2. Hey guys,


    I had lots of fun reading about everyone's introduction here. I've been here for a while and never actually took the time to do it before.


    I guess I'll just do a quick version as well.


    My name is Gustavo (everyone usually calls me Gus, which is easier and became a lot more popular after BreakingBad).


    I am originally from Brazil, lived in the US for several years during my college days, and now I moved to Oxford/UK to study and work.


    I am not a professional musician. I just really really love music and specially improvised popular music. I used to live in a town close to Kansas City, which spoiled me with really good jazz and changed my life for the better.


    I actually work with programming and teaching. My main field of study is using programming to teach mathematics.


    When it comes to gear, I don't know much about new stuff... My dream gear is just old acoustic pianos, old electric pianos, and old tonewheel organs.


    So, yeah... nothing too interesting, but there it is.


    I have learned so much from this place. Y'all are super nice guys and I really enjoy being a part of the group.



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