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Posts posted by GovernorSilver

  1. Missed opportunity for Patrick Mahommes.   Of course the media is going to pepper him with silly (imo) questions like "Do you think you're underpaid now?".   He should have answered "I'm fine with what I'm getting paid now, as long as Coach stops stealing my nuggies and painting mustaches on my face"

    • Haha 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Geoff Grace said:

    My first thought is that it's nice to be a top tier NFL quarterback.


    My second thought is that it's even nicer to be someone who can afford to pay a top tier NFL quarterback.






    All NFL franchises can afford a top tier NFL QB, thanks to revenue sharing.  Revenue sharing props up even the financially worst performing NFL franchises, allowing even those franchises to spend up to the salary cap.  Lack of revenue sharing was one of my beefs with MLB, which of course has since implemented some form of it.


    The reason not all 32 franchises have a top tier QB is not lack of affordability in and of itself.   Rather its the supply and the salary cap.  These 5 top paid QBs are only 5 out of 32 starting QBs.  There are a number of teams that have younger QBs who they hope will blossom into elite caliber QBs, although I'm sure their most ardent fans will argue their guy is already an elite QB.  Then there are others who have the likes of Derek Carr or Baker Mayfield who they hope can bandaid the team until they find next opportunity to draft the next hot young QB.  Those are the teams who just haven't had a high enough draft pick to get a prospective franchise QB out of the draft... or did have that pick but the pick went bust.


    Clearly most franchises these days will spend the money on the QB when the salary cap forces them to choose between paying the QB and keeping other players.  Some have been notable for spending money on just about every skill position except QB, but looks like even these now have some young QB prospect in place now.


    Mahommes on whether he feels underpaid:



    He's pretty much echoing what has been said about Tom Brady, all those years that Brady was NOT the highest paid QB but earned somethign much more valuable - the Superbowl rings.  My buddy the Saints fan used to compare Drew Brees unfavorably with Brady in this regard - Brees cared more about being paid - in my buddy's opinion - than winning more rings, so the team's salary cap combined with Brees' salary demands led to the dismantling of the Superbowl winning Saints squad.




    "I think we do a great job of managing my money, to be able to pay me a lot of money and keep a good team around me," Mahomes told USA Today Sports. "I know we've kind of restructured it a couple of times and got the cash flow up in certain spots and certain years. It's about having a good dialogue, good communication with the front office, with ownership. We've done that here. And as we've been able to allow me to be a highly paid guy while at the same time build a great team around me.




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  3. There are people who use current gen MPC units as mastering tool.   No idea whether they consider it the best mastering tool or if they even care as long as they get the results they want from their current tool.


    Every current gen MPC comes with MPC software which runs on a computer as a DAW, and integrates with the MPC, with the MPC serving as hardware controller for the DAW.


    Current gen MPCs can also export projects to Ableton Live.   Not all MPC users take advantage of that feature though. 


    Some prefer to do everything inside the MPC.  Others treat the MPC as just one tool in their toolbox.



  4. 58 minutes ago, Ibarch said:


    I don't think you will find the SV-2 action to be close to that of the ES-920 or the FP-90x. I don't think it compares well with the lesser Roland actions on the FP-60x, RD-88 either. Certainly not for those coming from an acoustic piano background. 


    @AnotherScott just pointed out the SV-2S is the one with the speakers so that's the one I'll try.


    Hands on time on the SV-2S will confirm whether or not I will like the Korg RH3 action.  It might take only a min. or two like my trial of the Yamaha CK-88. 


    If the P-525 is in the shop I'll give that a shot too.  

  5. 8 hours ago, Keepitsimple said:

    I'm asking if you tried them first, to know if you got your hands on an RH3 action before, hence i wasn't sure if you have.


    As mentioned above, the SV-2 has speakers. See if you can try one in a store. I was so close to buying one on the spot after trying it.





    You sound like you're about to talk yourself out of the RD-88EX in favor of the SV-2 😀


    I liked the RD-08 when I tried it but the value that it offered for the monay, compared to the RD-88, did not look so good.  I'll try the RD-88EX for sure.

  6. 5 hours ago, The Piano Man said:

    I have Grandstage 73, XE20 and Liano


    I got a bit carried away recently replacing an old trio, namely Technics P50, Roland EP760 and Yamaha NP30. 


    Thank you.  I will look for Korg SV-2 next time I visit the local gear pusher I mean shop, and hopefully compare with Roland FP-90X and Kawai ES-920 again.


    The shop had a Yamaha CK88 alongside the Roland and Kawai when I was doing a shootout primarily between those two.  I was surprised by the gap in quality between the CK88's action and the actions of those other 2.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Keepitsimple said:

    Have you played a Nautilus, Grandstage, Kronos, SV-2 etc? 


    All those share the same RH3 action. In my opinion it's a great action. A bit on the heavy side which i like personally. SV-2 is a great digital piano. 


    But none of those Korgs that you list are digital pianos for playing at home, which is what I'm looking for.


    RD-88 at least has speakers so it could be used as a digital piano.  Plus it has an action that I know I like - PHA4.   


    My faves so far are Roland's FP-90X (PHA-50 action) and Kawai's ES-920 (RHIII action)

  8. 3 hours ago, The Piano Man said:

    Korg is ahead of Roland now for replication of acoustic piano sounds, in my opinion.


    Which Korg digital pianos do you like?


    I like the PHA-4 and PHA-50 actions on Roland digital pianos.  I have not found a Korg board with as good (to my taste) an action.  To me the action matters more than the accuracy of sampled tones.


    That said I am open to trying Korg digital piano that I may have overlooked.

  9. 13 hours ago, ProfD said:

    I would've never thought kettlebell coaches generated interest or needed a forum. They could just meet up in the parking lot of Dick's Sporting Goods and throw out their differences. 



    Unfortunately true. Takes a whole lot of positivity to overcome negativity too. 


    Music is powerful enough that it could be used to counteract negativity as well.😎


    That Youtuber targeted the founder/CEO of Strongfirst in several videos, so somebody mentioned him on the Strongfirst forum.   He targeted other fitness trainers/coaches to promote himself as being the best fitness coach.  I don't his marketing approach will bring him as much success as other fitness coaches who show respect and invite each other to make appearances on each others' channels.


    That forum is there for discussing exercise programs published by Strongfirst such as Simple & Sinister which I was doing for a while.   They discuss other exercise topics as well.


    Agreed about the power of music.

  10. Took a look at this guy's channel.  That's 3 sec. of my life I'll never get back.


    It's mostly videos of him complaining about things.    


    There's a YT channel that has a kettlebell exercise theme.  Never heard about it until somebody mentioned it on the Strongfirst forum.  That channel is almost entirely made up of videos in which the guy disses other kettlebell coaches.


    That kind of behavior attracts attention at first, because humans are attracted to negativity.  But if that's all you as a Youtuber have to offer, people will eventually get bored with your channel and move on.

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    • Haha 1
  11. Somebody bring McDuff back from the dead, put him onstage with a Korg Kronos and make him jam on it.   Kronos will have to be taped up or otherwise rigged so McDuff will be forced to play synth tones only - no CX3 organ, no piano, etc.


    Put Rudess on the other side of the stage with a vintage B3 and Leslie.


    1...2..3.... Fight!

    • Haha 2
  12. Skunk Baxter  played the guitar solo on Donna Summer's hit Hot Stuff... on a Burns Bison guitar that he bought for $25 and a six pack of Bud


    So if I met him one day and he offered to sell me that Burns Bison, sure I'd think about it for at least a minute.   Its the Hot Stuff guitar!  With Fairy Magic Dust conferred by pop music history!  Depends on the asking price though.  $25,000... probably not.  $25 and a six pack of whatever beer he likes these days, sure!

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, AROIOS said:

    Sounds like one of those "Abbey Road ***" plug-ins.

    Little do these enthusiasts know, a big part of that "Abbey Road sound" came from the humid London air with a perfect blend of smog and coal soot. Until they treat their studio with that air, none of their mics/tubes would "resonate" at the right kind of "musical" frequency.


    I think it was Sunrise, Sunburn, or Sunkist.  Something like that.  


    Doesn't matter anyway.  I think he decided not to buy it because he realized he didn't need it.

  14. 5 minutes ago, J.F.N. said:


    It's getting even worse when it's about plugins... "Buy this bundle get the sound of this and that producer/engineer"...






    Oh yeah my buddy was thinking of getting a plugin that would supposedly reproduce the sound of some legendary studio.  I forgot the name of the plugin and the studio as I didn't really care about either, but I believe it's developed and sold by Universal Audio.


    he ended up not getting the plugin... at least for the forseeable future.

    • Haha 2
  15. 26 minutes ago, AROIOS said:

    It sure is what the manufacturers, or at least their marketing departments, would love us to all believe though.


    Fender for sure, as they hired Julian to demo their Player II Telecaster which retails for $800, a mere fraction of what his Collings costs.


    That said I have no problem with manufactures like Fender using marketing practices to try to maintain revenue. 

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