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Everything posted by GovernorSilver

  1. By the time you saved up the money for a One, Moog will have released a lower-cost polysynth.
  2. Amos said MPE is planned in an OS update in the Reddit thread. Moog's own Animoog and Model 15 have had MPE support since the beginning of MPE, and apparently the same people that worked on those apps are now working on the One. I don't recall poly AT being mentioned in the Reddit thread, because nobody asked, but I don't see why they would add MPE without poly AT. The keyboard itself doesn't seem to have poly AT. A module version would make sense for those who prefer to use their favorite poly AT keyboard or MPE controller.
  3. Only a minority of today's modular users have any interest in utilizing piano/organ skills - "I don't play keyboard" is one of the reasons I've seen posted by some as to why they don't want a Moog One . Some of them would be very interested if a module version with decent CV and audio connectivity were released. That all said, there is that minority of modular owners who do play keys, and I could easily see those few crosspatching a One with CV-enabled effects devices, Moog's own DFAM, modular and semimodular system, etcs. Speaking of women, I could see Paris Strother, who appears in the intro video and is the keyboardist of the Minneapolis-based trio King, rocking a One-powered rig. She already has an arsenal of synths both vintage and modern.
  4. People elsewhere have been complaining about the mimes and weird colors in the official intro video. I've been sending them to this 70s Polymoog video to show that the intro video pays tribute to that older one.
  5. On the AMA thread, Amos answers the question on whether the Ethernet port can be used to double the polyphony of the 8-voice model.
  6. CDM article also has some good stuff on how the modulation system works, which may clear up some concerns that some potential customers may have about menu-diving.
  7. There's an AMA with Amos Gaines thread on Reddit in which he reportedly states that MPE support is planned as a future OS update to One. There's a link to that thread in the CDM article. https://cdm.link/2018/10/moog-one-polysynth-details/ Article also covers the mystery Ethernet port and other fun stuff. A stripped down module (I prefer to strip out the built-in FX and leave in the tri-timbral stuff) would be great with the MPE support - just plug in Linnstrument or whatever and off you go...
  8. That's good to hear. When I was bringing my Korg M3 to band rehearsals, I had to make sure I turned it on first, because it took a while to boot up, then several minutes to load all those M3 Xpanded sounds from the attached USB thumb drive.
  9. The intro video led me to check out Paris Strother. Will definitely be checking out her band King - keyboardist-led, and a distinctive sound between Strother's synths and the dual vocals.
  10. They've decided to focus on this kind of organ instead. I've been told it sells very well in Asia, that's why it's been in production until the present day. We don't hear about them in the US for whatever reason. https://asia-latinamerica-mea.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/keyboards/electone/index.html I think this is their top of the line Electone - it has VA and "Organ" engines in addition to AWM, and "horizontal touch" keyboard: https://asia-latinamerica-mea.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/keyboards/electone/els-02c/specs.html#product-tabs
  11. Listening to the livestream - just one oscillator definitely sounds louder/threat to dominate a mix than it does in any of the demos, including Youtube (which has built-in compression anyway).
  12. What browser are you using? I'm not having any problems on Chrome. The website is also side-scrolling now instead of vertical scroll. Chrome. I was unable to side-scroll with my old Mac mouse. Side arrows though do work. I still cannot find the links to the specs or manual for any synth though.
  13. Sold! Totally worth spending $6k just to do that!
  14. I like the sounds, but the website is really messed up now. Can't get to the specs for any product, and several synths do not appear any more - I doubt Moog suddenly discontinued them: Mother 32, Sub 37, Subsequent... Just sent an email reporting the website problems.
  15. Thanks, was wondering if it's the same editor mentioned in Elektronauts: Well, I guess the answer could be no, because of the phrase "not released to the public". Unless the other person doesn't know about Melas.
  16. That makes sense... synth sounds are typically mono, any stereo-ness comes from the fx (or by panning multiple mono sounds to different locations). I can confirm this, and it is definitely due to stereo fx, but also can be attributed to the Voice Elements for synths, strings, and some pianos being panned left or right to some degree. When I'm editing User Voices on my MOXF or MOX, I always collapse everything to mono because that is how I use those boards. I leave everything in stereo for my XF8 as that is my home studio board. It is really easy to edit Elements and FX with the Melas tools, but it is kind of a pain when you have to menu dive using the front screen. If you don't understand the Yamaha architecture, it can be extremely frustrating and time consuming. Getting the Melas tools is huge IMO, as it makes everything more intuitive... Are you talking about this? http://www.jmelas.gr/montage/products.php I read about how you have to adjust 6 parameters per Element if you want to change the filter sound for the Element - sounds painful. Is Melas' software suitable for FM-X patching too, or mainly edits/storage at the Performance level?
  17. The Octatrack, while not a synth, is the one device I have where the effects are tightly integrated with the sampling engine and sequencer, so that tricks like parameter locks (p-locks in Elekron parlance) wherein you have a specific combination of effects settings for just one step of a step sequence; are possible. There is a good selection of CV-modulatable effects units that could be patched with the One via the CV jacks for synthesis<->effects integration if desired - especially in the modular world.
  18. This should give an idea of what the workflow might be like: [video:youtube]
  19. I've received similar comments about both my Triton and M3 from various band members in the past. One guitarist told me my Triton sounded like a jet landing. Those Korg models sure have hot output levels. I don't have other synths that run as hot. Maybe the Moog Voyager I used to have. Most of my other synths are meek in comparison.
  20. That's how I feel about the Korg Triton and M3 vs. the Motif XS. Just never got any real wall-shaking synth sounds from the Motif. I used to laugh whenever someone posted that the Triton was "thin sounding." It can cut through just about anything. :idk In the guitar world, "thin"and "cutting through" usually goes hand in hand. Classic example is the Les Paul that gets buried in the mix because of the very same "warmth" that people love about it; whereas the "ice pick" Strat cuts through the mix. That said, when I used my M3 at band rehearsal, I sometimes got complaints for the M3 bass frequencies or some other thing dominating too much, despite two loud rock and roll guitarists in the room, plus a hard-hitting drummer with Yamaha's "loudest in the world" model snare, and a trigger on his kick to trigger the 808-style kick sound on his Electribe.
  21. That´s what I have anyway. For me it´s all about getting more and more high quality devices from a single unit instrument. I don´t mean a workstation like Kronos doing everything though. So, I hope there´s a quality flanger and a good tape delay emulation coming w/ MOOG One and when it´s been released. Seems there´s a bit time left until it ships,- and probably for digital FX, there´s the option of software/firmware update. Eventide ... big name, great brand. But I don´t use much Reverb on keyboards anyway and especially when gigging/touring live, Delay and Modulation FX were more important always. So, I´d wish the FX were a combo of Eventide ModFactor and TimeFactor. A.C. Cool, I get why you would want FX integrated with the synth. I will wait for a future model which doesn't have the built-in Eventide, as I am used to having multiple effects pedals. Chase Bliss makes some incredible sounding modulation effects pedals - analog signal path with sophisticated digital control. Erica's Fusion Delay/Flanger/Vintage Ensemble also looks promising. https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/eurorack-modules/by-series/fusion-series/fusion-delayflangervintage-ensemble/ Also their Fusion Box https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/standalone-instruments-1/fusion-box/
  22. I miss a Flanger in the FX list. ... chorus, delay, phase, bit reduction, vocoding, and a suite of premium Eventide reverbs such as Blackhole, Shimmer, Plate, Room, and Hall. Effects can be applied as Synth Effects and Master Bus Effects. Synth Effects are applied to individual timbral layers, while Master Bus Effects can be accessed via sends from all three synthesizers. The effects are digital,... A.C. I like Eventide - own an H9 Max myself. But there are great 3rd-party analog effects units like the Chase Bliss Spectre so for some customers, another polysynth model without built-in effects might be a better solution - price would probably be lower too.
  23. I'm not a legit organist by any standard and my experience with the real thing is limited, but yes, the new organs in the MODX feel much better than the Motif stuff. That's good to hear. I presume by "better feel" you mean how the sounds respond to changes in slider/virtual drawbar settings. Or perhaps they upgraded the Leslie sim? I've got nothing against rompler organ - the organ patches in my Korg M3 are pretty good to my non-B3-expert ears. It'd be fun though to have somebody like ProfD present when I get around to trying the MODX organs.
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