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Posts posted by bbqbob

  1. Richard Thompson tops my list of underrated guitarists. He is respected, especially by his peers but in reality he is relatively unknown. He is equally brilliant on both acoustic and electric guitars. I think the last Rolling Stone list of 100 greatest guitarists of all time he finished in 69th place! Damn, Angus Young finished higher than him!
  2. The regret I have is giving up guitar for 32 years! I took it up back in high school at about 16-17 years old.with a purchase of a Sears Silvertone acoustic with strings about 1/4" off the frets. I struggled with that for several months before buying a 60s Japanese made semi-hollow electric (for some reason I can't remember the brand name) and an Ampeg tube amp. In awhile, I purchased a used 1961 Gibson Melody Maker in cherry finish for $100. An entry level guitar but pretty nice for a teenager at the time. I a few years I was in college and got hard up for money so I did a stupid thing and sold the Melody Maker for $100. At the time that was probably 2 weeks pay for me. I also sold the Ampeg amp for $100. Damn! I wish I still had that Melody Maker!

    Long story short, I did not take up guitar again until I was in my 50s. I wonder where I would be now as a guitar player if I had not quit. Let's face it, I was not much of a guitar player back in the 70s but I would have to be better than I am now after nearly about 15 years of play.

  3. I was blessed to hear some very good news recently. My hands had been shaky for while, and my head had started shaking a bit too. My balance had gotten a little flaky and I had taken some falls, and . I went to a neurologist, and was pleased to find out I did not have Parkinson's Disease, the symptoms of which are similar to what I was exhibiting.


    Instead, I have what are called familial tremors.If you saw the movie On Golden Pond, Katherine Hepburn had the same condition. Her head shook very noticeably because of it. It's apparently an hereditary condition that runs in some families. I don't recall any of my older relatives having them, but my older brother tells me he has them too. Thankfully, it's not a degenerative or crippling condition, although it can be inconvenient. So far, it doesn't seem to affect my playing.


    The doctor put me on a drug called Propranolol, and it helps a lot. Boy howdy, was it ever a relief to find out it wasn't Parkinson's!

    While not convenient and something you want, it is great you don't have Parkinson's. Best of luck to you and keep on picking!

  4. Electrical Guitar Company is rockin' it aluminum-style:



    That is the first time I have ever seen EGC guitars. I checked out their web site and am impressed. I'm a wood lover when it comes to guitars but that aluminum guitar is VERY nice.

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