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Posts posted by GTIDSLF12X

  1. Hello Myles,

    Thanks for the reply - I have read the manual and the release sheet prior to posting. Have you used this amp? If so - does it take pedals well? does it need pedals? are there seperate adjustments for each output tube? Is the "3 stage bias adjustment" front end the same as having a high and low imput? (except adding a third one could call medium)"it's avery different amp than the S45" In what way would you say they are different? Thanks for your time - I am just trying learn as much as possible about this amp.



    I will try to answer all your questions ....


    I have not only used this amp but I am pretty close friends with the designer Jimmy Wigle. I play these amps a few times a week as we use them for tube testing because the special design output transformer in the S-50 can handle the EL34, 6L6, 6550, and KT88.


    It takes pedals very well. Does it need pedals? Does a Fender or Marshall "need" pedals? That is really user preference.


    There is a single bias supply for the duet, just as in most amps. The reason that a few amps today have seperate bias pots for each half of the output circuit is to supposedly negate the need for matched tubes. This really does not work as this only would apply to the tubes at idle and not through the tube's complete operating range. With dynamically matched output tubes a single bias adjustment is what is wanted.


    On the high and low input thought ... nope, not the same. Generally amps that have high and low inputs have a 3dB or 6dB difference between the two. The S-50 and S-30 have completely different gain structures. The low level is sort of Fender blackface, the mid is sort of Marshall Plexi era (and the amp does have a cathode follower tone stack as did the plexis and the tweed bassman), and the high level is sort of JCM 900+. There is also a pull boost function on the volume (foot switchable by the way) that gives each of these three settings another level (so six settings in all). In the high position with the switch pulled the amp is VERY gainy and very agressive.


    The amp is different from the S-45 in the same way a BMW 535 is different from a Toyota Avalon. Totally different amps. The S-45's front end has a design that keeps the front end from getting overloaded from hot output pedals. There are many other differences too. The only thing alike in the amps is the GT badge. The chassis are even different to the point of not even being the same width or size.



    Myles S. Rose






    Models for your CD cover artwork, live performance work or video work can be found at:





    Hello Myles,

    Thanks for the detailed answers.

  2. Hello Myles,

    What is your take on the Soul o-50 head/combo? Nobody seems to be using these amps and I can't find any solid information on the web about them. Seems like the Soul o-45 did much better than the 50's. Enlighten me please.



    The S-50 is a much newer amp and has three selectable gain stages in the front end. It is a very different amp than the S-45.


    The owner's manual is here:





    Myles S. Rose


    Hello Myles,

    Thanks for the reply - I have read the manual and the release sheet prior to posting. Have you used this amp? If so - does it take pedals well? does it need pedals? are there seperate adjustments for each output tube? Is the "3 stage bias adjustment" front end the same as having a high and low imput? (except adding a third one could call medium)"it's avery different amp than the S45" In what way would you say they are different? Thanks for your time - I am just trying learn as much as possible about this amp.

  3. Hello Myles,

    What is your take on the Soul o-50 head/combo? Nobody seems to be using these amps and I can't find any solid information on the web about them. Seems like the Soul o-45 did much better than the 50's. Enlighten me please.

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