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Posts posted by CraigT

  1. I was privileged to see Hiromi and band (same as the Tiny Desk concert) here at the MIM in Phoenix last night.  I was so impressed by her and the group.  Truly wonderful music and musicianship with a healthy dose of fun and energy. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Macsaint777 said:

    Here is my playlist where I demo EVERY performance in the Montage M, using the Audition button. Finishing up the rest of the categories, but the main ones are already done. Please delete if not helpful. 


    Thank you for doing this.  I've watched all of your YC and Nord Stage 3 & 4 videos and they were very helpful in deciding what to get.  The YC didn’t work out for me but the Stage 3 has been great.  Still debating between getting an M8x or Stage 4 88.  Your content seems to be for the very things I’m gassing for.

  3. Played an M8x today.  Didn’t impress me in the areas I wanted versus my current Motif XS8 and Nord Stage 3.  I think the action on my Motif XS8 is better.  The M8x pianos, organs, and Rhodes are better than my Motif but don’t measure up to the Stage 3.  I didn’t really try many other sounds because they’re not as important to me but I know Yamaha and they’re gonna be killer.  So, I’ll stick with what I’ve got.

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  4. 19 hours ago, bfields said:

    I've been visiting family in suburban MD more often, I need to make it to Chuck Levin's one of these days.


    Question for people who shop when they travel: are stores generally willing to ship an instrument home for you?  Would you expect an extra charge for that?

    I bought a guitar in person at Wildwood (Colorado) while in the area for a training class.  They did a setup and shipped to my house in AZ for no charge.  Many stores that have an online presence will offer free shipping.

  5. I’d much rather listen to a good band or musician than watch them jump around.  If you’re Alice Cooper or Van Halen, yeah, it fits.  I tend to see more Jazz or Blues acts than anything else and they just play.  I saw Eric Johnson a few years back, a bona-fide rock star, and he pretty much just played.  I was there to listen.  It was great.


    I find the people telling me how I should look on stage are not musicians and need the visual.  I find it silly but I’m weird.

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  6. For cover band duty I went from a backbreaking Motif XS 88 to the Nord Stage 3 Compact.  It has made a world of difference for going to practice and gigs.  I looked at the Montage 88 but just as heavy as the Motif and I wasn’t blown away by the pianos.  Everything is a compromise but the Stage is the Goldilocks for my situation.  Also, at home I can use the Motif as a weighted controller and the pianos can be wonderfully expressive now that Nord fixed the velocity mapping.  Bought well before the price hikes though.

  7. On 11/9/2022 at 9:37 AM, Outkaster said:

    Part of it is how he recorded parts.  Most people don't know that Waiting In Vein, for example has tons of keyboard parts; Clav, Piano, Organ, Synth.  A lot of Reggae Musicians always tell me they hear new stuff every time they listen to Marley, even now.  It happens a lot because every February we do a tribute show and we are listening to songs that we might have not played before.  It's interesting stuff.  

    Are there any good resources that document the players and keyboard instruments in the Wailers?  I honestly never paid much attention until trying to learn a few Marley tunes and then realized how much is going on and how incredible the band is.  There is a complexity in this music I never gave it credit for.  Would love to learn more.


    PS I have watched some documentaries on Bob but they, of course, are primarily about him, Rastafarianism, and Jamaica.  Not so much about the band and the actual music.

  8. Most memorable/best:

    Stevie Wonder 2014 Songs in the Key of Life at the MGM Grand.  This album was already etched in my brain and to witness it perfectly recreated literally made me tear up.



    Buddy Guy who just wanted to chat, drop f bombs, and play snippets of songs.

    Grateful Dead at Rich Stadium.  Literally could not hear them in the stands.  I wish I had another opportunity to see them with Jerry.  Enjoyed the new version with Mayer twice.


  9. I’ve seen Tommy Emanuel twice.  As a guitarist I appreciate his technical ability.  However I can’t really get into him.  I find it a display of ability but not musical.  Great suggestions made in this thread though. 

    PS. Check out Earl Klugh for a guitarist that has amazing technique and is also IMHO musical.


    PPS  I think Tommy Emanuel has a stage presence that people enjoy.

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