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Everything posted by zephonic

  1. Funny, I tried the ES920 at Pierre's as well. And yes, the action was a bit lighter than I expected, and slippery. Really liked the AP sound, though.
  2. Thanks, I saw that, but I like it with the cans. For now I have just switched off the speakers in the menu rather than with the 1/4" adapter. But my original question still is, does anybody else notice the headphone outputs collapse to mono when two of them are connected or is it just mine?
  3. Honestly, I haven't touched an onboard sequencer in 15 years. But I will say that the one in the Fantom X is a lot spunkier/tighter/groovier than any DAW I have used. Same goes for the old MPC. I used to go back and forth between the Fantom sequencer and computer just for that, but over time I got lazy. I bet by now the sequencer adds next to nothing in terms of development or production cost, so why not have it in there?
  4. That makes sense. I distinctly remember no sequencer when it was first introduced.
  5. In good Yammie tradition they’d have to call it Montage ES
  6. Thanks, but does it also switch to mono when two headphones are connected or is that not supposed to happen? edit: I notice the difference on the speakers now, with or without the headphones plugged in. Odd, not sure which sounds I prefer.
  7. So I just got a P515B for my home studio, and I keep a 1/4" adapter plugged into headphone output 2 to kill the on-board speakers (I know this can be done in the menu, but I'm lazy and this is faster). Now I wanna play with headphones, and I notice that if both headphone outputs are connected they collapse to mono? Is that by design, or just a production flaw on my model? My first impression is that the CFX sounds and plays absolutely glorious on cans, but I'm not as impressed by how it sounds on speakers, both the on-board and my Genelecs. Also, the Bösendorfer sounds less dynamic and rich, not at all like how I've experienced the real thing. I do like the feel of the action, best of any DP I've played, right up there with the CP1.
  8. I was actually thinking about getting a Montage 7 to replace my MODX8!
  9. https://www.steinberg.net/vst-instruments/halion/new-features/ Best news: no more dongle!
  10. https://www.nordstage4.com/ https://www.nordkeyboards.com/products/nord-stage-4 Probably just me, but drawbars look weird on an 88... Teaser music very "Anomalie"...
  11. I get your point, but when I look at all the amazing youngsters on youtube, my impression is that music is better than ever, and talent has more avenues available to find its audience. I understand people lament about the million dollar record budgets of yore, but maybe that was an anomaly, not the norm? Miles Davis says as much in his autobiography. Jazz records were cut in one or maybe a few days and sold 50-60K copies. Then the rock thing happened and a whole industry evolved around it. Maybe now we are just back to the way things used to be.
  12. Not entirely OT, as they have quite a few VI’s and have made them available as a bundle for $349. Anybody here tried their instruments? Are they any good? https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/native-bundles.html
  13. And in LA there’s way more single family homes that actually have yards and garages. NYC is a lot more apartment buildings etc.
  14. How do you like it so far? Anybody else got one or played one? @vonnor?
  15. I think she was being facetious. Supposedly she is in a relationship with conductor Klaus Mäkelä.
  16. We had a thread about her many years ago when the "Flight of the Bumblebee" vid dropped. I tried to find it but apparently older posts didn't survive the migration to the new system. But that video is still on Youtube: Aw snap, that was 14 years ago!
  17. There's one for sale in the GC Lawndale, CA
  18. I played GrandStage for a year plus at this church. It's good, but I wouldn't buy one.
  19. You know, I concur when it comes to grands, but for uprights I tend to like the Yamahas a little better. But the differences between individual pianos are often greater than any brand family resemblance, especially used.
  20. Yes, you get used to the spread and traffic, but it still sucks. Checking out two private sales on Sunday, now that I've started looking at craigslist, FB marketplace etc. I'm learning that dealer prices are seriously inflated. The only guy who has been upfront and reasonable with his prices so far is Pierre. What would a reasonable price for a recent Kawai RX1 be? 2010's I think. I saw one but it's out of state and I wonder if it's worth the drive/flight to go check it out.
  21. On a serious note, the last really good piano I practiced on regularly was a Yamaha C5 at Coast Music around seven or eight years ago. Didn't love the sound, but the action was unforgiving, it would really let you know when you were trying to fib or cut corners. Not the most fun to play, but practicing on that thing really helped me focus on proper technique and execution. A lot of the stuff I've played over the last two weeks is easy, but lazy. Guess I need to decide if I just wanna have an instrument to enjoy or one that makes me work harder. Or find the one that does both for a price I can afford lol
  22. Oh wow, a FREE Steinway Baby Grand: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1051000932345749/?referralSurface=messenger_lightspeed_banner&referralCode=messenger_banner All I have to is call his uncle and he'll tell me how to get it. The same instrument was listed at the same time in Irving, TX as well, so I really lucked out here!
  23. That’s what I mean, Boston is an unfamiliar brand to me, need to learn more about it.
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