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Posts posted by zephonic

  1. 6 hours ago, Al Quinn said:

    During that time he taught me how to up my game in several areas: most notably a more active and deliberate role for the left hand, effective layers and layer independence, and improved hand independence. Everything was done in the context of me finding my sound. Looking back I find it interesting that he didn't show me a single note or voicing to play -- everything was at the conceptual level and it was all about presenting my material in a more musical and effective way. 


    This is kind of what happened at my lesson with Mitch Forman.

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  2. I took a lesson with Alan Pasqua last year, and with Mitch Forman two months ago.


    Neither one delivered what I hoped for, but my expectations were probably unrealistic, looking for some kind of magic bullet to break through my own ceiling.


    That said, I would go back to Mitch at some point. I’ve realized you need to know WHAT you want to learn from a person, not just go there expecting a revelation.


    Finally, I’m picking up a lot of useful bits from Open Studio Jazz. That has been worth the price of admission for me.


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  3. 4 hours ago, MAJUSCULE said:

    For context, I would only be charting something out if it was complex and therefore would take me some time and energy on my part. If it's a simple tune I rarely chart things out and would just be surprised the new player would need a chart for a three chord song.


    That makes sense.


    But frankly, these days I chart out even simple tunes because I just forget what is what. Bandleader calls out a tune and I can't remember which one that is, especially if it is simple and sounds a lot like other songs, and was part of a whole bunch of new tunes I had to learn. Like 'Sugar' (Maroon 5), I just have a four bar chord chart to remind me what it is, and it what key.


    So a lot of these are not actual charts, the songs don't require that, but the music equivalent of sticky notes, I guess.

  4. 5 hours ago, Cabo said:

    This has come up a few times for me -- and I'm wondering how others have handled it?


    I'm going to be leaving a band and I get a request to share my charts / arrangements with the replacement.  I'm NOT talking about simple lead sheets (lyrics + chords), but rather written out arrangements I created myself with keyboard parts notated and detailed solos.  How would you handle?


    Not for replacements but for subs, I have sold my charts to two tribute bands at $150 each.

  5. About a year ago, I posted about my first piano, a wonderful 1989 Yamaha G2R, that truly came to life after my esteemed piano tech Teri Meredyth did the voicing and regulation. Over the course of a year, I really bonded with it. It made me want to practice, forced me to execute properly, and all in all it has been a good friend.


    So I was happy and convinced I was gonna stay with it for another ten years or so. Until I randomly chanced upon an ad for a 2011 Kawai RX-2 for a good price, here in SoCal. I figured it couldn't hurt to check it out, and I learned it had belonged to a retired piano teacher who recently passed away. She was the first and only owner. As soon as I played it, it felt and sounded like Jazz to me, warm and rich, rather than the bright and clear tone of my Yamaha.


    I explained to the seller I liked the piano but would have to sell my own first, to help pay for it and to make room. He understood and we agreed to keep in touch. I made an ad for my piano, and decided to leave it up to providence.


    A few people responded to the ad, but weeks went by and nothing firm materialized. Meanwhile, the seller lowered his price a few times, until two weeks ago he texted to say he had to get a commitment that day because the estate sale lady needed to know whether or not the piano would be included.


    I had already kind of let the idea go, content to stick with mine, but he lowered the price so far that I figured I could lower mine as well and see what happens. Within minutes, a girl who had reached out a few weeks earlier hit me up asking if she could come by right away.

    She turned out to be a great classical pianist who was currently practicing on a digital. She played my Yamaha and I could tell she loved it. A few hours later she called to say she agreed to buy it at my price.


    I called the seller to confirm the sale, and in the end I got the new piano for the same price I got for my old one. So my only cost was the transport.

    Teri came today to tune it, and it's glorious! Rich, full, and sweet. And that's before voicing and regulation, gonna wait with that, this one is still pretty new and i wanna live with it for a while before I decide on adjustments.


    What can I say, I'm one lucky SOB. Had to share with folks who understand!





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  6. 17 hours ago, jazzpiano88 said:


    Can you guys provide some color as to the negative implications of this difference?   I've got both the M8X and M8 side by side here and don't detect the difference in the power supply,  


    I just dislike jimmy-rigged solutions like that, especially in a $4K flagship model.


    I remember a long time ago I bought an audio PC for a studio I freelanced for, and opened it up only to find the builder had secured a hard drive to the chassis with gaffer tape because the bracket hadn't come in on time or something. It was perfectly secure as he pointed out when I called him out on it, but it shouldn't have happened.

  7. On 5/1/2024 at 6:04 AM, DmitryKo said:

    Curiously, in place of an industrial PSU that was on the original Montage (CoSel LDC30F), this time they installed the Yamaha PA-500 - a brick-type external 24 V PSU for  P-series digital pianos and PSR-E series home keyboards, complete with IEC C7 connector and IEC C8 plug on the cord. It's wrapped in a strip of protective foam material and held to the chassis with metal brackes. 


    The power switch has a built-in solenoid that can be engaged from the main board; this is part of EU regulations that mandate auto power-off, and the time of inactivity can be set on the Utility / Advanced screen.




  8. 24 minutes ago, JoJoB3 said:

    Why are you not considering a well maintained vintage rhodes found anywhere from free to $6k? Location?



    For the short time I had it, I absolutely loved my vintage 1977 Mk1 Stage, and I do miss it. Sold it because owning a 45-year old instrument requires the sort of maintenance and care that I just can’t commit to. Nir said it best: it’s like owning a classic car.



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  9. 2 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Right.  If that synth is a musician's instrumental voice, it's harder to replace. 




    In a weird way, I've been out of sorts ever since I retired my Fantom X7. I keep looking to get that vibe and sound back (not to mention aftertouch), never really succeeding. All subsequent keyboards have failed to give me that connection, including Roland's own. 

  10. 3 hours ago, ProfD said:



    If you have 1 or more modern KBs, you have every synth sound covered.  If you don’t believe it…look at your gig set-list.  Put an asterisk beside every song that either none of your KBs will cover and/or that only a dedicated synth will do. 


    Agreed. Or at least it's close enough where it doesn't matter for anybody except the most discerning of purists. 


    Still, the same way no rompler plays and feels quite like an acoustic piano, Rhodes or B3, I can imagine that people intimately familiar with their classic synth are never going to be satisfied with any emulation. 


    For most gigs I don't really care, my romplers serve me just fine. But I do not like to play solos with their AP sounds. 

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