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Posts posted by Loufrance

  1. Originally posted by DanL:

    A boss, a female employee, and a male employee are walking on the beach and come across a genie in a bottle. After a discussion, they decide the woman should go first, the man second, and the boss last.


    The woman rubs the bottle, the genie comes out, and asks her for her wish. She says "I'd like to be on a tropical island paradise". Off she goes.


    The man, seeing how this works, says he'd like to be in paradise as well, with a harem of beautiful women at his beck and call. Off he goes.


    The boss picks up the bottle, rubs it, and says "I want both of them back after lunch"

    Thats why I'd let my boss wish first, then I'd wish for 5million euros/dollars/pounds. Then I wouldn't have to deal with that boss after they got back.
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