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Posts posted by ZioGuido

  1. when you sampled all those organs, do they share the same percussion sample?


    The word "sample" is out of context here, there are no samples, the whole organ sound is modeled, it means that it's reconstructed by digitally modeling every single element of the real Hammond organ.

    Now, in a real Hammond organ, if you adjust the balancing of the whole tonewheel generator (or replace the capacitors) not only the drawbar sound changes, but the percussion sound changes as well, as a consequence of being part of the sound produced by the same generator.


    For example, when you play the middle C note on the upper manual and the percussion is set on THIRD, what you hear is a copy of the same tone produced by the same note with the 5th drawbar pulled out. It comes from the same generator, but takes a secondary route, skips the V/C circuitry and passes through a VCA whose amplitude level is regulated by an envelope generator (that produces the percussion decay).


    This exact scheme is replicated in the Mojo.

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  2. [...] Guido said he would change it, but that was a while ago (in this thread!).


    In my opinion this Crumar's answer is confusing. If it is only meant to be an organ (and it is quite a good one!) why did the build a sustain connection into it?[...]


    Yes, I said this would be addressed in a future update, but then I realized that there is nothing to address, because the sustain pedal input (and this also answers to your question) has been added because the sound generator itself supports sustain. From the global options (accessible through the editor) you can choose how to use the sustain pedal, for switching between rotary speeds (slow/fast) or for sustaining notes, and in this case you can choose between upper only, lower only or both. The only Midi functionality is that it always generates the CC #64 message sent on the Basic Channel, i.e. the one you set in the editor and that corresponds to the upper manual in normal playing mode. This is how this instrument was conceived and it's how it works. I'm sorry if my previous answer was misleading.

  3. it"s a one man operation by Guido


    [font:Arial Black]WRONG[/font]!


    1) Guido IS NOT CRUMAR. Guido is GSi. GSi makes software for GSi, for Crumar and for other entities, even non-music software. GSi is a one man operation with occasional collaborators.


    2) CRUMAR is not a one man operation. There are owners, workers, consultants and collaborators, it's a small-medium sized company exactly like at least other 100 in the same field, including some of those you've mentioned.


    3) Please stop calling my name for everything related to Crumar. I AM NOT CRUMAR!!!


    4) It's false that Italy is closed for one or two monts during summer "even during a pandemic"! Please stop this bull****!!! Workers who have right to a vacation do their 7 or 14 days like every other workers in the world, but nothing is closed here!

  4. Before I read your post, I already had this bugfix noted in my To-do-list for the Classic, and you can be sure that this will be addressed with the next firmware update (still unplanned, though).
  5. it's August. Italy is officially closed every year during August, even during a pandemic. Might need to wait a minute, but they will be back.


    Yes, Italy is a wonderland, we're all riding unicorns and eating cotton candy rainbows... :D

  6. You can assign MIDI CC numbers only if you intend to control the Mojo61 from an external unit. So, now that you've assigned some CC's, you should connect something to the MIDI inputs or to the USB-MIDI port (I like to use an old Korg nanoKontrol) and use that to control the parameters you've assigned.


    And no, the Mojo61 can't load extra sample libraries like the Gemini.

  7. However, keeping the feet on the ground, in a real situation I think that the level of protection should be proportional to the importance of the thing to protect. If you're the president of the USA and know the passwords to launch nuclear missiles, or if you're some very rich person with billions of dollars on offshore bank accounts, probably you need something like (AES(Twofish(Serpent)) encrypted)... but for common mortals a 6~8 characters password encrypted with Blowfish is more than enough.
  8. Rather, an AES-256 encrypted bundle of your sensible informations is sent over the internet...

    How can you be sure? You just trust the system.


    I too store almost all my passwords into Chrome, at least the low-risk ones, not those of the bank accounts or important things. Anyway, I wanted something that doesn't send the passwords anywhere, so I made my own app, and I'm sure that the passwords stay into the phone.

  9. Lately, I've seemed to lost control of my list of passwords. Even though I've attempted to consolidate them lately, there are some from over year ago that I've forgotten and/or can't find my notes on what they actually were. Can anyone recommend an app that would assist me in organizing my passwords?

    Thx in advance!


    Managing passwords has always been my bigger struggle since the day I created my first email account back in 1997. And the funny thing is that the very first App I have made for a mobile device is a virtual keychain. I released it only recently and only for the Android devices, it's called GSi SafeBox and it's free and ad-free, even though the first release is only in italian. I have just posted a new version in english that's currently in beta test. If you have an Android device and you wish to test it, here's the link to get into the beta program: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.genuinesoundware.gsisafebox.


    I know there were already many similar apps for holding passwords in the mobile device, but most of them are cloud-based, that means that all your sensible informations are instantanously sent over the internet to someone else's computer (that's what a cloud is). And most free apps show annoying ads. I wanted to make my own implementation, something simple that keeps the data into the device's memory with no need to send the data elsewhere. Everything is stored into an encrypted XML file that can optionally be exported / imported to / from local memory or shared with other apps (e.g. sent via email for backup purpose).


    If you give it a try, let me know what you think.

  10. However, that contrasts with what I'm experiencing on my fully updated Mojo 61. [...]


    Check this: in the editor's home page there's a global setting "TX Velocity", set it to Panel to work as described in the manual. If you've set that to Always, velocity is always sent regardless the instrument selected; if it's set to Never, velocity is never sent and the high trigger point is always used.

  11. This is an interesting application for the GM.LAB MJU: turn the Mojo61B (the optional lower manual) into a stand-alone Midi keyboard.


    Both the MJU and the M61B use Power-over-MIDI so the MIDI cable carries both MIDI data and power. In this case, the MJU is powering the M61B, receives its MIDI data and operates the "translation" into regular MIDI note events. Plus, it accepts a pedal input that can be configured either for a sustain pedal or for an expression pedal.


    The full source code is on GitHub.



  12. I do like a good kit! I'm wondering if I could use something like this to control the organ engine in my Jupiter 80. Would be a huge help for those single board gigs.

    Jupiter 80 uses sysex rather than MIDI CC for drawbar control, so I think it's unlikely. Though if you can find one, the Ocean Beach DB1 was able to do it.


    Considering it's an open source project based on Arduino, it shouldn't be that hard to modify the sketch and have it send Roland's SysEx messages rather than CC events.



  13. Mojo and Mojo XT are basically the same instrument, so the Mojo XT accepts the same accessories as the Mojo.



    - Mojo and Mojo XT use a wiring that is not compatible with any other existing organ or rotary effect; the reason is that the same jack can accept both the dual foot-switch and the half-moon switch, and the special wiring is made to have the organ to "auto-sense" the accessory that has been plugged in when the instrument is powered on.


    - The Mojo61, GSi DMC-122 and GSi Burn share the same wiring for the Half-Moon switch which, however, is not compatible with other instruments such as the Hammond/Suzuki organs, the Nords, the Ventilators, etc.; the reason is that the same jack can accept either an expression pedal or the half-moon switch (on DMC-122 and Burn), or the dual foot-switch and the half-moon switch (on the Mojo61).


    - The sustain pedal can't (shan't) be connected to the input for the dual foot-switch or half-moon because might cause a short circuit and damage the instrument.


    The only difference between the most common wiring for a dual foot-switch and the wiring used by Crumar instruments is that the common contact is on the RING of the TRS jack, rather than on the SLEEVE. To make a 3rd party dual foot-switch compatible with a Crumar instrument, just swap the RING and the SLEEVE on the jack connection. The dual foot-switch must have momentary switches (for Mojo, Mojo61 and DMC-122).



  14. If the volume is low and you amplify it in an external amplifier[...]


    Note that if you plan to connect the Seven to a guitar or bass amp, you should set the output level selector to "L" (low) and use the HI input of your amp, if it has two inputs.


    Generally, avoid setting the output selector to "H" (high) unless you're using some low-impedance amp from the 40's... If you're using modern FoH amplification or studio equipment, set the switch to "M" (medium) that is equivalent to +4dB, and possibly use balanced cables if you're going the long distance.


    The headphone output isn't particularly powerful, it performs best with 32 Ohm headphones, otherwise you need to use an external HP amp if you want more volume in your ears.



  15. I'm working to fit the new AP model into the Gemini, for this reason I had to delay the new update... Otherwise it was ready by the 12th of March but wasn't released for this very reason.


    I doubt that a bigger enterprise can work faster... Yes, more people mean more work done, but doesn't mean that it's done faster. Here... it's sunday evening and I'm talking about job in a public forum. If I was an employee of a bigger company I'd be doing something else right now. And I would probably hate my boss :)



  16. I'm guessing that if Guido has already figured out how to do it better, he'd have done it. Or who knows, maybe it's in progress.


    And I can confirm that I am still working on improving the AP and the CP models... It's likely that the Seven will see its first firmware update very soon.



    But it's also possible that a top quality modeled piano is simply a particularly hard nut to crack, and we (and perhaps Guido himself) cannot yet tell when (or if) such an implementation from him will happen.


    I couldn't have said it better.



  17. I cannot understand why the modeled AP will not replace the current sluggish sampled piano in an update.


    Guido, why is it no?


    Unfortunately there's a technical reason - that I can't explain - that prevents the Mojo61 from doing a few things, including hosting the AP synthesis model or being bi-timbral. The Mojo61 stays where it is now, and it's not little considering it has 7 out of 15 synthesizers from the Gemini, plus the sample playback engine.


    One thing that could be done is to replace the existing piano sampleset with a new one, but this can only be done whenever we get to source a better piano sample.

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