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Still Learning

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Posts posted by Still Learning

  1. Nice job Phred! 1:41:26, Fantastic! My best half is 1:47:17, You were flying! I totally agree with you Joe and all you guys, there is a huge mental aspect to running, Don't ya just love those precious few times when you're out on a run and everything feels just perfect, a perfect pace, perfect cadence, perfect breathing rhythm, I love those days! Good luck on the Ottawa full Marathon!


    Dave: you gonna sign up for that Pasadena Rock & Roll Half? I'm giving it some serious thought. And when are you gonna get your butt out here and run with us? Every Tues. night we're at Oak Park H.S. at 6pm for a fun track workout. We usually head over to Latigo Kid after for margaritas and food (OK mostly margaritas). I ran Runyon Canyon a while back and I just ran the Long Beach marathon with 14 friends. Ran a 4:11 with no training. We went to a bar called Joe Jost's afterwards, great times!

  2. Dave:.....Yeah, it would be great to run with you! We meet every Tues. (anywhere from 25 to 75 people) at 6pm at the Oak Park High School track for a 75 minute track workout, and every Thurs. at Chesebro Canyon (smaller group) at 6pm for a 45 minute trail run. I would love to run Griffith Park-never done that. Pick a weekend that works for you and I'll do my best to meet ya there!


    Phil is a great guy eh? He ran Boston 2 weeks ago, as did about 4 others from our runing club. Phil is one of my running inspirations-for a lot of reasons!


    I've got one of the old-style foam rollers and I do rolling exercises like This I need to do more stretching/rolling, I always feel better afterwards but I never seem to have the time/energy to do it. A lot of club members swear by post-race massages and I think I will actually try my first one after my race this Saturday. After running/hiking that Malibu Creek/Bulldog trail I think I'm gonna need it!


    You're doing about the same mileage/week as me, I'm also running 5 to 6 days/week, I'm starting to get interested in the barefoot stuff, just finished reading "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougall and he talks a bit about it. Let me know how it works for you.


    Think about running with me in Griffith Park and hit me up if that's something you'd like to do. A bunch of us are already signed up for the Long Beach Marathon in October-gonna be a nice big partay!

  3. Been there with the bathroom thing, I share your frustration! I've seen some pretty "unusual" bathroom stops on many races-including a girl who decided to use a tree on a grassy parkway boulevard in the middle of Los Angeles-no modesty at all! (but this is prob. a topic for another thread)! :)


    Ran a full-course preview of my upcoming 22k back on April 16th. Ran out of water around mile 11, saw a big'ol rattlesnake crossing right in front of me at mile 12.5 and managed to finish in 2:43. My goal for this course next Sat. is 2:30.

  4. All-Right Joe! Great looking course: http://lehighvalleyhalfmarathon.com/

    Saw your results at: that website: 10k split 1:03:19 overall 2:19:22 10:45 pace! Way to go dude! You Da Man! Looks like you finished on a track, maybe at that William Allen High school? That's pretty cool, just like the Olympics-finishing on a track!

    I'm into trail running lately, next up for me is this Saturday, May 7th, a grueling 14 mile trail run called the Xterra Malibu Creek Challenge up the old Bulldog trail. Beautiful views of the Pacific ocean but lots of extreme mountain climbing. Check out the course and elevation profile info at: http://www.trailrace.com/malibu.html Keep up the running-and playing!


  5. Thanks stepay! breaking 2 hours was actually one of my New Years Goals for 2010 that I set for myself back in 12/2009. It feels Great! And BTW I totally agree that race times are highly personal achievements. I know guys that work harder to run 2:50 half marathons than guys that run 1:50 half marathons, it's all about setting personal goals and doing your very best to achieve those goals. ---me, I just run so I can drink beer and not end up with such a big beer belly that I can't reach the keys on my boards!
  6. I ran the Inaugural Los Angeles Rock & Roll Half Marathon just this past Sunday. I'm proud to say that for the first time in my life I ran a sub 2-hour Half! I came in at 1:55:59 (bib# 10230), not to bad for a 49 year-old eh? It was my first "Rock & Roll running event and it won't be my last, it was a blast and that company knows how to put on a massive street party! You can check out all the fun at: L.A. Rock and Roll Half Marathon Three weeks before that on October 3rd, I ran my very first full marathon (the Camarillo Marathon) and clocked a 4:36:30
  7. Some of you might remember that my older sister passed away at the young age of 50 last July. She was diagnosed with cancer and died within 3 months. She leaves behind 2 daughters, a loving husband and the rest of us family and friends. Anyway, for her service back in July, I wrote my very first original composition and put the music to a video tribute which I presented at her funeral service. Writing this song was actually really, really good therapy for me and I listen to it often. I'd like to share it with you all. You can check it out at: Debbie's Tribute
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