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Posts posted by Finale

  1. 3 hours ago, Lou Gehrig Charles said:

    Having two "C"s on there seems like an extravagance, like having two "E" strings on a guitar.

    Yes, that's probably why this instrument was not popular. Too much C redundancy and way too many knobs and buttons.  :freak:



  2. 3 hours ago, zeronyne said:

    Ah, another hitch...so definitely not user-installable?


    I'm sure people with decent experience with mods and electronics stuff could easily do it, but usually the "official" manufacturer way is that the repairs or upgrade must be done by authorized music shops/techs. Just like you can't replace rubber contacts yourself unless you don't mind voiding your warranty. Here, maybe Korg sends to the authorized tech a complete replacement action with AT already under the keys, instead of instructions and the separated components to add.


    37 minutes ago, JazzPiano88 said:

    However, don't you need a synth that responds to PAT?


    Indeed, poly AT is useless on synths that can't respond to it. Imagine how smaller is the list of MIDI 2.0 compatible synths. :crazy:


    18 hours ago, Paul Woodward said:

    This renewed interest in Poly AT is quite baffling. It was on (albeit massively expensive) synths in the 70's and disappeared.


    The first synths with MIDI appeared around 1983 and the use of poly AT on keyboards reached its peak around 1990 - the best era to buy great keyboard controllers.

  4. While they are busy playing annoyingly loud, on your synth discreetly select a sine wave and let play C#6 at mid volume with infinite sustain (synth will continue to play the sound even after you don't touch the keys). When they stop playing, pretend you don't hear the C#6 and when someone says I hear a strange tone, tell him he probably destroyed his ears and now has permanent tinnitus because you told him earlier to turn his F volume down. :cop:

    • Haha 3
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