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Rhino Madness

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Posts posted by Rhino Madness

  1. By the way, I'll be calling my friend to see if his tattoo artist might be able to fit in another "O"..... LOL

    Since this is a friend of yours and not just a pic found on a random website, I wasn't too sure if I should have brought the mistake up... but I guess I couldn't help it.


    I hope he can take it with a laugh, too (and remedy to the situation)!

  2. Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



    It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


    If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).


    I didn't even notice that - "Life's toShort" :laugh:



    This space is too small for two o's

    Ribbon's to short for good spelling :blush: .

  3. Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



    It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


    If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).

  4. The M is not as gainy as the ECC83S. I like the M in V3 or the PI slot as this is picked for current while the gain stage two tubes are picked specifically for true gain .... not just something like transconductance or other factors that can be measured on conventional tube testers.


    The cost of the tube was not a factor .... it was a matter of selecting the tubes that had the proper characteristics.

    That makes sense. I thought maybe the color or richness imparted by the 12AX7-M could have been more rewarding but I don't have any experience with them as you guys do. Thanks for your expertise :thu: !


    As a side note .... for folks using the VTV tube tester that has a scale marked "gain" .... it is NOT a true gain scale or even close. It gives an indication of tube condition but not gain, current output, plate resistance, transconductance, etc. In fact, the meter could have been labelled "pies", or "bugs" or "limit units" or have a scale that went from strawberry-vanilla-chocolate.

    LOL! :grin: Useful info and funnily put to words!


    I have seen tubes that measure a "gain" of 110 on this unit where the actual gain of the tube was less than 80 in reality.


    Still ... it is a nice device to check for noisy tubes and balance.

    Again, thank you for your insight!


    Best regards,


  5. Hello Myles,


    I would appreciate your tube reccommendation for a metal-face 4-input non-master volume 50 watt Marshall.


    My typical setup is a stratocaster into an OD pedal (DOD250 or TS-808 for sustain) into the Marshall. Both channels are bridged and set to 5-6 with the mid and treble fairly high.


    I'm using JJ ECC83S (balanced for PI) and E34L now. I'm looking for a similar tone but with added expressiveness and touch sensitivity without losing the sustain (I do mostly soloing with this setup).


    I would really appreciate your thoughts on tubes in production for preamp, PI and power (and the suggested rating if GT tubes).


    Best regards,





    http://www.groovetubes.com/product.cfm?Product_ID=2170 in a #6 rating biased at 36mA


    I am not a fan of short plate tubes in this amp for the PI




    Thanks for the speedy response! Lots of interesting reading at the GT site (and I can easily spend hours on your GAB site, too)!


    Why is the GT-ECC83-S used in V1 and V2 instead of the GT-12AX7-M in the SAG Marshall Kit? I'm not criticizing the choice but mostly wondering as both are individually priced the same but the 12AX7-M is described with lots of superlatives.




  6. Hello Myles,


    I would appreciate your tube reccommendation for a metal-face 4-input non-master volume 50 watt Marshall.


    My typical setup is a stratocaster into an OD pedal (DOD250 or TS-808 for sustain) into the Marshall. Both channels are bridged and set to 5-6 with the mid and treble fairly high.


    I'm using JJ ECC83S (balanced for PI) and E34L now. I'm looking for a similar tone but with added expressiveness and touch sensitivity without losing the sustain (I do mostly soloing with this setup).


    I would really appreciate your thoughts on tubes in production for preamp, PI and power (and the suggested rating if GT tubes).


    Best regards,


  7. Originally posted by Ricardo.:

    Hey Myles, do you think society will ever accept the risque avatars that used to make this thread so fun? :D

    Hey Ricardo, don't you think there are better places on the internet to post and look for risqué pictures than on a guitar forum?


    Society does accept it when in the proper channels. This forum is frequented from all kinds of places that can not allow such demonstrations (such as workplaces, households with young kids, etc.) Sure we can turn off avatars as a preference but it does make following threads more difficult. IMHO this is just not the proper place for that.


    Pssst! You can still click on the links in Myles's sig and get your fix! ;)

  8. Originally posted by Fumblyfingers:

    I once heard of a mod for this pre-amp that is supposed to make it sound pretty good.

    You can find some info about the ADA Mods here .


    You could probably also contact Voodoo Amps and talk to them as they offer some mods for ADA preamps.


    I am in no way recommending for or against these mods, I'm just offering sites with some more info as I only have experienced their stock preamps.

  9. Originally posted by flagshipmile:

    Interesting Cave, didn't think of that.


    Thanks for forwarding my cause!!


    Actually the tone isn't 'bad' through the loop. I feel like I lose about 8% of the tone.. I mean it still sounds great, but there is some loss.


    It is annoying but if I hadn't had my singer unplug it and plug it back in, I wouldn't be as sensitive to it. I can hear little subtleties and it drives me nuts, but either way it is a world better sounding than my last amp setup.


    That would rock if I could have Bruce egnater tweak my pedal to adjust something to make it more transparent.


    The DOD through the loop has worked AWESOME through every amp I have tried. It totally adds the right stuff for a solo. LIttle bit of gain, same tone or more highs if you want, right amount of volume boost.


    This is the first time I have seen it alter the tone. I love this amp though.

    It could be that this is the first amp you're using that does not mask the difference in tone when the pedal is engaged. Or the fact that you are now using more of the power tube distortion.


    Some food for thought:

    1. When the power section is already saturated, sending a hotter signal mostly gives you more gain (as opposed to more volume);

    2. Depending on the amount of power tube saturation you're using, putting a delay pedal before the power section might send everything to mush (you're sending twice the signal for the power tubes to distort).


    You might have to rethink your signal chain so you have time-based FX (delay/reverb) after the power amp (either by using the included HotPlate signal out or by micing your speaker and then using an outboard processor and the PA or a second amp, etc).


    YMMV but it's a different world out there once you're using power tube distortion as your main tone.

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