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B. J. Love

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Everything posted by B. J. Love

  1. The crossover is fixed at 100Hz - on output. But there's also a direct thru and a high cut filter, variable from 70-150Hz. Additionally, there's a switched 10 db boost, variable from 40-90Hz. So with the SS, you can patch out of the subwoofer (full-range) output, into the B1200, send the mono feed to FOH from the thru, and set the filter/boost/level at the sub. And you could still output the 100Hz signal to an active monitor for a monstrous on-stage rig!
  2. No one has heard one and it is still not available. I got mine yesterday. (Of course, I'm still waiting on my SS till xmas) 42 lbs, nice big handles on the side make it an easy schlep - even for an old guy with a repaired shoulder. Hooked it up to a pair of EV ZX-A1s. Underpowered for the pair - as I expected - but once they were balanced, not bad at all. Very versatile connections and filter and crossover. It ain't exactly gonna rock the house at a dance club, but I think it'll make a nice pairing with the SS. Coincidence bordering on irony: One of the reasons I sold the SS's big brother, the Fender Keyboard SFX 200, was the weight at 82 lbs. The Spacestation is listed at 40, the Behringer sub at 42.
  3. Finally got around to reading Chuck's terrific review. Thanks so much. My sub ships today. Now we wait til xmas.........
  4. Same here. But there may be a little frustration with Sweetwater. Look over the postings here and you see that we got some widely varying responses to basically the same question, asked within a day or two. Some reps seemed determined to hold out hope, others to tamp down expectations. Aspen has given us all what we wanted from Sweetwater: a simple, honest answer.
  5. Ordered mine on the 15th. Spoke to my rep yesterday. He said they had expected them late October; now they were hoping for early-mid November, but they hadn't received tracking info from the shipper, so who knows? Sometimes they ship without forwarding the tracking numbers....
  6. Hmmm. I ordered a Spacestation and Behringer sub and was given free shipping and sig. So if they didn't price match and if the shipping charge was just for the SKB case, that's almost twice the GC price - $140.25 vs. $78.32. Looks like Guitar Center wins this round...
  7. Sweetwater has this case in their catalog also. I just ordered the V.3 and the case from them. They told me delivery would be sometime in Nov. Ray Did Sweetwater match the price and the free shipping? The website has a price of $119.99 PLUS shipping, all non-refundable, because it's a "special order." GC has it for $78, in stock, free shipping, normal 30 day return policy.
  8. I looked at the Yorkville too. I play left hand acoustic bass in my solo act + vox and piano/strings - all thru a pair of EV ZXa1s. Good clean sound in the smallish rooms I play, but I thought the addition of a sub would clean up the bottom and fill things out a bit. (All "Great American Songbook") The matching EV sub is expensive and seemed like overkill for my purposes. Likewise, the Yorkville. I think the combination of the Spacestation, the Behringer sub, and the EVs will give me a lot of flexibility both in the solo act and the bands I play with. (I run the EVs in stereo for my band rig and send a mono feed to FOH when needed) I can envision the solo act in small rooms with just the SS and sub - depending on how the vocals sound. Or the SS and one EV. Lots of possibilities with those four pieces and mixer.
  9. This looks perfect, Gator GX2112-12 , but it's been discontinued.
  10. Good to hear about the cover. I was looking into the Gator GX-20 as a possibility.
  11. Trigger pulled. I ordered one of these new Behringer subs to go with it: B1200 D Looks like a good match. Sweetwater is offering 3 year interest-deferred financing till Monday. $25 a month? An offer I couldn't refuse.
  12. There's no mention of it in the current brochure, but the MK2 had a 100Hz filter that automatically engaged when the sub output was connected.
  13. Man, I want this to work! I tried a Mark II when GC was blowing them out. I liked it a lot, but it just couldn't keep up volume-wise - not even with a cranked 15W Blues Jr. I liked the concept so much I bought the Fender SFX 200. Great sound, loud as hell, but huge and HEAVY. After rotator cuff surgery, I just couldn't schlep it anymore - even with wheels. I love the clarity I get from a pair of ZXA-1s, but the faux Leslie is somehow less satisfying than the Fender, speaker placement is always a challenge on small stages - it seems they're always too close to me, to spread apart, too close together... Man, I want this to work!
  14. I'm not sure what the problem is. You've gone about it the right way. EXP control to MIDI. The CP4 does need to be set to CC #11, the SK1 does not recognize CC #7 or #4.
  15. That's very nice for those who own an SK-2.... and who have a spare $179 to throw down for $7 switch in a pretty half-moon-shaped plastic box. I have neither.
  16. Much as I missed my half-moon leslie switch (and the Roland's paddle), I just couldn't bring myself to pay $179 for one, much less the $224 MSRP. I'm no engineer, but it didn't seem that complicated to me. I bought a Telecaster (3 position) pick-up switch on ebay for $7, a 1X2X3 plastic project box from Radio Shack for $3.50, and scrounged an old scrap of 2-conductor, braided shield cable with a 1/4" stereo connector. It took me about 2 minutes with an Ohm meter to figure out how the switch worked, 10 minutes to wire the switch, 15 minutes with a saber-saw and a drill to prep the box, 5 minutes to assemble and test. Mounted it with gaff tape and velcro - just like you have to do with the CU-1 since there are no pre-drilled mounting holes on the SK-1. Dove into the menu and set up the footswitch jack for the CU-1. Works great! All together, about an hour and $10.50 saved me $168.50. You can do this. Yes, YOU! (And Dgas: Nope, there's no way to do it. "Reverb is common with the Organ and Extra Voices sections, the single reverb control section affects both." - pg 97. I'm the same way, prefer the organ dry. I preset the level for piano and ep patches (don't do horns) and save the patch with the reverb switch off; engage it as needed.)
  17. The downside of checking instruments in flight cases is that some baggage handlers see them as indestructible and treat them that way.
  18. I did a lot of googling around to find the right bag since the Hammond one is so ridiculously over-priced. Most were either too big or too small but this one, Goldilocks, is just right: The Kaces Xpress 49 KB5. $40 and fits like a glove. Bought mine at the midi-store. CLONK Free shipping too. Wherever you find it, though, make sure it's the XPRESS series; Kaces makes another 49 KB5 that's a little too small. First time I've owned a Kaces. Seems pretty well-made, 3 nice sized pockets. Doesn't offer much protection. (It's a bag) I only use it locally and if I'm the only one touching it. But it keeps the weather out, makes it easy to carry, is light-weight, and gets big ups for bang for the buck.
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