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Posts posted by obxa

  1. It's the reality.  Be grateful to still be playing.😀


    I wonder how  I used to carry my Wurli and OBxa up two flights of stairs  every night after gigs when I lived in NYC.


    I'm not ashamed to ask for help.  Luckily most theater gigs have stage hands, and most bands I work with are decent chaps.  Though I suspect they feel sorry for the "older"guy.  I've switched over to weighted 73 keys  on  bottom/piano  boards, and everything else is fairly light. Use IEMs when possible.   Nord Stage 88 lives at my church gig. 


    Solo gigs can be a challenge, but with my new devil may-care MO of going through the front door of hotels and venues- life has gotten easier.  I no longer ask about the load-in on gigs.  Because the default answer is always the loading dock/kitchen.  

  2. Thanks for healing words.  Losing a weekend of gigs probaby hurt more than anything else.


    Always liked the Disco thing it's one of the few that works and responds well.   Did a deep dive a while back with  nearly  all of them UHE's Diva, and Sonic Projects etc.   I think they all have the vibe, but not necessarily the mojo.  Gforce is the closest. I'd love if Softtube took a whack at it. 






  3. 23 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:


    I don't see anything by that name no their site, just this:




    Is this what you meant, or was there an older product of theirs named OPX?

    Sorry  not in the studio, going by memory (which is a bit foggy from Covid at the moment.....)


    It's always been a bit confusing with this one.  Yes OBXD  that's it.  That's the paid more refined one,  but not sure if it's still just nag-ware. Try the current demo.


    Then there's this absolute free one too (which is related to the Disco...). Many of the Mainstage patch guys use it:





    EDIT- ok the Disco Ob-Xd  version is the newest, of the old blue one-  and is fully free for non-commercial use. It also has presets, and a ton available on web. (J3PO etc.)  paid version is $49.00.   Paired with external FX it does well. 

  4. 2 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    So, is the OB-X worth it after the honeymoon for those who bought it? I

    I've got several OB emulations, and of course per my name- the real thing with an Xa as well as an OB1k module.  While trying to keep the hardware alive, always on the look out for something in virtual land. 

      The G-force captures some of magic dust the other don't.  I still think the OPX  by Disco  is a great value, but the UI is lacking, and could really use some FX.    Arturia's is probably the best looking, but it's a memory hog, and original patches don't seem to really translate all that well.   G-force is sometimes guilty of way too much FX on presets on all their stuff,  but overall this is the closest OB experience I've found thus far.   Fair warning- if you're on a slower computer (as I am) reduce the voice count to 6 or 8 so it's not consuming all your resources. 


    I love the SEM.   Though it's killer and fun to play around with,  I think the OPE is too overwhelming when you need to dial in something fast. Same issue I have with the Cherry Audio version. 


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  5. I previously posted this in a Numa thread.  Didn't think to do it here. In between other gigs with Bradley Cole Smith,  been doing little mini-tours with Atlanta jazz guitarist Chris Blackwell  in jazz clubs and Theaters.   Chris does  a bunch of Larry Carlton, Robben Ford etc. 

    We affectionately call the band "Return to Whatever".  Trying go get some buzz for the next leg in the lower Tri-State South.  Love to invite/comp and share a beer if we're in your neighborhood.  For the next run of locals taking real Rhodes on a few (pray for me)  and have replaced the Numa with YC73



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  6. I have my foot in both secular and worship waters.   Tracks have become more ridiculous in the latter.  I made a strong decision to pull the plug with everything I do. It's the first order of business when I took my current &  previous ministry gigs  The current one is contemporary,  The prior one was orchestra!!! 


    I think the audience can always sense it when it's not authentic.  


    I'm absolutely 100% for click and occasionally cue tracks for  musicians.   


    But for the audience (or congregation..).   I do minimalist performance tracks.  Those typically just involve some percolating arpeggio things, shaker and some intro pads (to fill the dead air during count-ins...)..   They're nice if they are there, but not critical if they get turned off.  I purposely leave any of those as  repetitive stactic-loops, so worship leaders/singers can go off the arrangement if they wish- something you can't do with pre-determined tracks. 


    In Secular world-  If doing pit band with full score, I'll find a way to re-arrange the music by adding another keyboardist, or asking woodinds/brass/strings to take the part. 


    I also work in oldies world, where as lowly MD I sometimes don't have any control over what the artist mandates.   Because they're so used to crappy back-up bands, many  acts have a ton of their show recorded and ask for the band to mime- or play along.   On multi-act shows, I just let the artist know we'll be taking a break and they can do it karaoke.     Some of the better prepared ones at least have selected stems (e.g. just vocals, brass) with click.     I can't mention names, but it amazes me bands that had signature iconic hooks with sax/brass  or other instruments won't budget for it. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    (and my own DIY hybrid grand-piano action controller called Cybrid that I use with Garritan CFX)

    OFF topic:   Cybergene is way too modest,  only  casually mentioning this- So I'll post this here as a fan,  with hope he'll put a separate topic on the MPN forum.  You all really need to check out what he did here, pretty amazing. 





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  8. 2 hours ago, David R said:

    Like many, I never leave home without my earplugs. The theory of two generations of people growing up with earbuds has definitely desensitized people to their volume exposure.

    Same. On my keychain. In my gigbag all suitcases, in my car....... 


     I've also become the grumpy old male Karen.

    Wife and I went to an English drama movie (ok  forced,  just trying to be a good hubby...)  At a multi-plex.  Probably 20 people at most in the small theater- and most  looked way older than us.   The coming attractions were at defcon level.   So bad I took my phone out and measured  90- 98 db on my app.  Walked out and  found the manager. Showed him (had no idea what he was looking at.)  Explained  a jet engine is around 150 and 90 was like sticking your head next to a motorcycle exhaust..   Asked if he'd subject his Nana to that. Apologized and got it turned down.


    When I worked at Disney they had OSHA guys walking around the rooms/stages checking sound levels and air quality almost daily. That was more for employee health than the patrons.  Never affected us in the band, but I know they were brutal with sound guys. 

  9. 12 hours ago, voxpops said:

    That's some great playing! I really enjoyed the performance. I can hear what you mean about the Numa EPs getting a little lost in the mix, but I wondered if it might be partially due to the guitar and EP occupying a similar tonal spectrum. But I've noticed that, with the EP modeling creating quite a thick tone, chords may become less distinct, particularly with effects applied. The AP sounded pretty good (was it the Vintage?), but you can still just detect that rather "honky" quality that seems to affect all the pianos to some degree.


    I have to admit that I felt a little deflated after reading about your YC vs Numa experience.

    Thanks for the kind words! Yes pretty much only use the "Vintage  AP" with variations of it's brightness. I usually turn the damper, resonance and sympathetic stuff way down or to zero.  That distorted EP they have on there is weird to tame.  It's lucioous by itself, but agree in the "mid-range battleground" easily lost


    Sorry to be disparaging about YC vs Numa. I know many here have gone back and forth between the YC or even CK. (Cybergene, I think?).   Again the YC is twice as much money.  I still think the Numa punches way above its weight. IMHO in the contexts I mentioned earlier would still be great.   The other half of what I do is more exposed intimate piano.  That's a place I feel sampled piano works better (for me at least...) than modeled piano.  I could just as easily use a dedicated Kawai or Yamaha slab piano for those gigs, and was considering that option  But got the YC at pretty great price. 


     I've mentioned in other posts- I've been with Modart's Pianoteq since 1.0 and regularly use it in the studio. But have personally had poor results using the AP's live, whereas the EP's (just like the Numa) worked well.  The playability is wonderful, but there's something about the sound that doesn't work for me when it's naked.  That's just been my experience with all modelled pianos, not just the Numa.  Others may have a better time with it.    I'm not sure I want to get rid of the Numa yet.   Was getting ready to release a gig-ready preset pack for it, which I'll probably just do gratis. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, voxpops said:

    So far, I find the APs a little frustrating in that they come close, but don't quite get there! Maybe it's partly down to attempting to compress so much information into such small packages. I agree with someone's suggestion that it might be better to have just one or two really standout pianos in place of so many compromised ones. However, the Vintage is undoubtedly worth spending time on.

     We know opinions vary wildly around here.   Take this with a grain of salt.   After a year plus of using the Numa in the trenches in everything from pit band, concert, bar, solo, and trio/quartet gigs,    I feel somewhat qualified to offer some real-world experience.    First off, I love the company!!  Love my interactions with them. Love the feel of the keyboard (73).  Love the technology and mindset behind the UI- mostly....    More on that later.   As first generation Italian, had a sense of pride my entire rig (along with Crumar classic) was from the homeland.  I know that's silly. 


    The Vintage piano is the only AP I could ever make work, but took a lot of caressing.  The others (Tape, Japanese, upright,  Forester) sounded great at home, but in context ( gigs) could never really get those to sit where I needed.    Especially on solo -small format.  Ironically, feel the Rhodes is the strongest thing in the Numa. I loved the power of having 4 sound layers, but have noticed sometimes it would tax the Numa - and it occasionally crashed a couple times in mid show. 


      I just finished up a small tour with a local guitar slinger (Chris Blackwell) who does fusion/smooth jazz  in venues around lower tri-state  Did a lot of programming:  Heavy Rhodes:  Phase,  Dynamo style, and  straight Tremolo.   Video (in stereo) below from couple weeks ago.   Obviously don't sit through the whole thing, it's two shows- same tunes) and last gig. of the tour....we were tired. 


    Throughout all the shows the Numa was pretty bulletproof.  You can see me rebooting the Numa on one of the songs.     Comments from  FOH folks in smaller clubs: Rhodes & layers were great- but  pianos were brittle.  On bigger theater gigs,  got the opposite where they thought the AP's were great.  Because this was smaller venue,  gig below was  first time I didn't use IEMs in 15 years, and used a wedge- where in mono did notice some shrillness.   To be fair, any keyboard  AP in mono can do that.  The sound person on that gig, said AP weren't too pleasing in the stereo  house, but seemed ok here?         Playing aside, I'd be curious what others think of the overall sound. 


    Chris does a bunch of Larry Carlton (Room 335, Josie) and a few vocal songs (Sara Smile). Those are on the video below.   For those tunes the Rhodes sat well, but felt it wasn't always distinct on full chords, but that's probably more my sloppy playing.  🤪


    This weekend started a run with another local artist who does roots-rock in small clubs/theaters.  A YC73 fell into my lap at a great price.   Wanted to see if it would work better for my needs, especially with some of the exposed piano parts.    It did.   I've noticed many here are gravitating towards single keyboard rigs.  Dragged a Nord Electro around for the guitar guy, but would have loved to just had a single keyboard that could do organ.  That's no fault of the Numa, as it's not it's intent.    Getting tired of the two-tier thing, but I digress. 


    This past Saturday, I was able to quickly dial in what I needed from the YC and the sound guy (old friend- who would tell me if it sucked..)  said it was super easy to mix and loved tones I was getting (piano, wurli, rhodes, clav). Had Crumar for main organ, but also used some YC organ layers under pianos like I usually do with my  Nord stage.


     In combat,  and with less than 24 hours to learn it- I found the YC UI to be a little more straightforward than the Numa.  After a year, I'm pretty fast on the Numa but still find some programming  and tweaks to be tedious.   The build quality of the Numa is exceptional, but the ac adaptor always makes me nervous.  ( bought 3 spares....)  Of course it costs almost $1200 less than the YC.   So it's not apples to apples. For the money,  the Numa is a heck of a value.   Just depends on your specific needs, and type of gig. Weekend warrior, wedding/corporate, tribute- within full band backdrop, all day long.    When it's more exposed:  solo, jazz, artist, pit -that's where I struggle with it. 


     I do love the responsiveness of the Numa VI piano for same reason I love Pianoteq.  But also sometimes have issues with Pianoteq in the studio (and live)  where a sampled piano sometimes just works better.  As a long time Yamaha user, I guess I'm also more accustomed to that sound for live use.  Where I would respond better to the sound more than the playability, if that makes any sense.   Really missed having the  Numa's additional layers, and the 4 channel on-board mixer. 


    Just offering this little slice of my personal  experience.  I respect others opinions, and hope you'll do the same.   Haven't had a chance to try YC with the guitar guy- we go back out in late  December.



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  11. 40 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    If you can connect Soundmondo (pc, tablet or phone), it has a librarian feature where you can rename and rearrange sets very quickly. Just remember to hit that send button after the edits.

    Thanks for this!  Got shipment  late Friday.  Gonna get laptop up with little time I have, and also need to run the show.  Went down the rabbit hole of checking out sounds.     Saw there's also a librarian for sale and a bunch of artist presets.  Looks like you also contributed some cool patches??  Look forward to checking those out too.  Cheers.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, counterpoint said:

    The "Depth" knob as it applies to the Delay options is much more related to the number of delay repetitions (feedback) than to the relative amplitude of the delayed signal (wet/dry balance). 

    ah- that makes sense. Thank you so much for the work around.  7 p.m Soundcheck. Bit of time to finish more edits.  So far loving  everything else about the YC, but naming presets and that delay thing are kinda wonky.


  13. Throwing  last minute patches together for 20 song show tomorrow night w/YC73.


    My standard thing on rock piano patches is a touch of delay, barely heard.    I've found no matter which slot I place delay in the chain that even if the depth is at 0, it can still be heard  way too much.      Does it with digital, analog or cross delays, A or B slot, AP or EP..    What am I doing wrong.?    Or is this a bug?   Firmware 1.3


    Thanks so very much in advance!



  14. IK is also givin gaway their Wurli for Sampletank free (works in the free version).  Looks like our friend Jim Alfredson did the demo



    If you don't already have a Wurli, might be worth enduring the sign up process. 


    I'm partial to the Acoustic Samples and waiting for  Scarbee to go on sale this BF.

    1 hour ago, CHarrell said:

    Am I the only person who's been cool with iLok? (I've only used their software authorization, maybe it was crummier in the past).

    It used to be  just awful. in the mid 2000's I remember being forced to use the cracked version of Waves platinum while keeping my fully licensed version in the box.  Even telling them that if I ever need product support.  These days it's virtual, or you can use a key, I use both and it's  mostly painless.  Only issues if my hub does something weird, my Mac/Logic  thinks there's no key connected.  The Ilok software is actually very good, along with Softtube and UAD installers, it's really easy to have your licenses deposited. 


    The IK product manager  is indeed painless.  I will say the Custom shop thing is kind of  bloated. IK does have wonderful support.

  15. 55 minutes ago, mrk7421 said:

    apologize for getting into clonewheel wars....I don't have VB3 but I do have Mojo module and also Viscount module.I just can't get the Mojo Leslie sim to work for me. The change from bypass to Leslie sim alters the percussion tone too much.....my opinion....my taste....there is too much high end peak during the spin.

    This guy is very active on the Mojo FB page- has some good tweaks. (apply to Classic or the Desktop)


  16. Numa73  and Nord owner here.  Here's more information than you probably want. :)   Work in several different styles of music, using mix of IEM and speakers. That's shown the Numa's strengths and weaknesses. 


    For  an "all rounder"  the Numa would be worth checking out.  However,  If you're just looking for something weighted  as a bottom Nord controller, a slab piano like the Kawai ES or Yamaha p225/P121 might be great (and cheaper) as bottom boards.  They also make a few  great sounds (AP, Rhodes, basic pads, strings)  on their own.


     I typically use  either Stage 2ex compact,  or Electro 6 as top boards, and the Numa 73  as bottom.  Originally got Numa with intent of it being just a compact controller for the Nord's pianos, but have really grown to love it on it's own- with some exceptions.  Love the UI and love the company.  Downside: Even as a longtime Pianoteq user,  always had a problem connecting (live) with modeled AP sounds.  In some contexts I'm still not 100% happy. 


    1. "Roots Rock rig"  (Wurli, Organ, AP) usually IEM.  Numa and  Crumar Mojo (or  Electro if tight stage)..  Still trying to get totally happy with Wurli and AP's  in that context. The uprights have been surprisingly useful.  Occasionally used  Nord /Mojo combo but have a hard time playing un-weighted keys for piano parts. 


    2. Smooth jazz gig  (IEM, & occasionally wedges)  Numa and Electro.   After tweaking, the Numa's Rhodes have been a delight- especially for layers and sounds typical of that genre.   In that context, I'm very happy.  If the organ was a little better, I could do entire gig without Nord.  


    3. Worship piano gig: (IEM)   88 Nord 2ex, and it's been a workhorse, as long as I don't have to move it- which I don't.  Being able to put your own custom samples and update the piano library  has extended the life of any Nord I've ever owned.  I've pulled  Numa on some other church gigs,  and sounded great for murky piano and pads typical of the "Hillsong sound". Just missed having the Nord organ.


    4. Solo piano, jazz trio/quartet, ceremony/funeral gigs:  This is where I've been least satisfied.   Love the weight for hit and run cocktail gigs.   Rhodes of course is superb, but AP's through my Bose- not so much. Just started using Alto's 408s (as recommended by others here...)  In testing,  AP's  sounded very nice and useable in mono.  First gig tonight using them will report back..  Been considering the Kawai strictly for these kind of gigs.   Miss having on board speakers, and think sampled piano oddly works better in this (exposed) format.   Also miss having 88 keys for solo, and when I have to play LH bass.  But hasn't been a show-stopper.


    5. Pit band/Oldies: (IEM)  Numa, Mainstage, and Nord Stage 2 up top.    Pretty much perfect for everything I've thrown at it. Piano, vibes, orchestral- the layering has been wonderful for complex scores and parts. 


    Bottom line- if using IEM, and stereo,  in band context- love the Numa and it's tweakablility.   Naked in Mono, through  less than hi-fi amplification, everything except the acoustic pianos. 


    • Thanks 1
  17. 2 hours ago, mynameisdanno said:

    I rarely felt the need to tweak settings once I found ones I liked on the original Ventilator, so I moved to the Mini-Vent with Ashby remote mod years ago and never looked back.  The Vent algorithm sounds best to me with the drive fairly subtle.  

    Same for me.  Briefly owned a  full vent,  switched to Mini Vent II for ease of air travel and low visual profile.  Mine stays out of view.  Haven't really had to tweak it for most clones. Do need to when using the (real) Hammond at one of the Churches I play at- that gig often needs a cleaner sound.    I use built in clone distortion when I need more dirt on others.   The more knobs I have access to, the more I get distracted, which is why I favor the Mini.


    When I switched Vents, missed having  the remote.   I've posted pics on here elsewhere before:  had a tech replace Mini's II speed switch with a 1/4"  jack, and just use any generic sustain pedal.  On local gigs mine lives on a pedal board with a spring reverb stomp box, which I also just set and forget. 


    To the OP You may also want to check out using a half-moon switch?  Even with both hands full, my ancient muscle memory is always reaching for that first...then I have to remind myself I'm using a footswitch.  :)

  18. If you're looking for other Cherry Audio synths and loops, samples etc.  at great discount for great cause-level up. They've done this before, great prices- pay what you can/want.





    Pick your size between three different packages- , tons of loops, Mixcraft, Chery 106, Polymoog,  OB-8 voice, Mercury (Jupiter) 4, and lots of others. 

    • Like 2
  19. I shop at Plugin Boutique often,  but If you want to save a few more dollars on the UA essentials  (but not get the sonible)  plus potentially save the GPS conversion:


    Plugindiscounts.      I buy from these guys a bunch- great prices on SSL, FabFilter, Waves etc. They have the UAD essentials


    BTW- I wasn't expecting I'd even want it, but that Polymax is awesome!



    BTW2:   Ilok now does cloud or virtual on your computer, so no actual device required, and it's really not a big deal.  Mac/Windows




  20. Want to upgrade your stage look?


    Best $29.00. I've spent all year.   I do a ton of Theater and Winery gigs,  for a vibey look, they often provide Persian style rugs for keys, drums, etc.    I  carry one with me as well, but  always have to take it from my studio, and kinda heavy.   Found these on Amazon:  more like a bathmat than true rug, but serves the purpose- super light and easy to fold/roll.  Plus washable.   The drummer on the gig ordered one on break! 


    Forgive this horrific cable mess. This past Saturday, we were about to be rained out at an amphitheater gig, so we moved up to the covered pavilion and quickly reset with no  time to dress it up.  Note the listing for the one I bought is now missing on Amazon, but there's a ton of similar ones under $40.00



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