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Posts posted by obxa

  1. Anyone else do this?


    When using the late great Kurzweil PC2,  I always plugged a single laptop type led lamp  into it's USB A when the Kurz was my bottom board.  Worked great for pit band and dark stages and never had a problem.


    Wanted to do the same with the YC73's USB A port.  With the YC under my Nord,  tested perfect with simple LED gooseneck on low setting to illuminate the A/B section volume/filter knobs. Will help me avoid more cable clutter.


    I know manufacturers warn about charging your phone and the like, but is there any real risk in leaving one of these plugged in for a couple hours on a gig?  Is it technically any worse than if you left a USB stick in ?    Hard to get exact specs; the lamp purchased on Amazon just says  it's "5 v"  which also seems to be what most Thumb drives are?  Reached out to Yamaha, for what the jack actually supports and continuous  risk factor,  but haven't heard back. 


    Thanks in advance for any insight.

  2. You bet.   Noticed you have an Electro 5- Used to use my El2 buttons to call up presets from Mainstage. Does that really well, including mapping knobs to IK or Logic Organ. Had  Electro volume off, but plugged in for back up.   Currently using  6d or Stage depending on gig.


    BTW- for Cars songs- check this guy out.   Might save you some time.



    • Like 2


     Couple work arounds I've done might be useful.  May not totally apply to your situation.


    First and foremost, you need to find a way to call up MS presets via Program Change without touching the computer keyboard.  Preferably with Bluetooth Midi.  I lean heavily on Forscore to send PC for each song and section variations to everything in my rig.   Other set list-song type apps can do this.  Or use a phone/ipad: Free IOS  program change app I've recommended before. 

       When I was hot and heavy and needed hardware, used a combination of Keyboard Maestro and/or some of these:  Controller keyboard's numpad,   separate little USB number pad  box (favorite), or Korg Nano.


    I had used this older post which has great idea of using multi-timbral capability of your synths,  or "Mute- unmute method"  to access variations.  The latter which i've done.


    If not using a ton of  multiple synths, you can solo/mute to call up variations within the MS song patch..   You duplicate the synth channel(s) with variation used within the patch. Name them clearly. Solo, Mute and unmute the channels that contain those variations as needed via midi or by click.  In theory, might use a tiny bit more  resources, but since each instance is not active,  usually ok. Obviously, using alias helps there too.   


    Nowadays, I've simplified my concerts and treat MS as a secondary sound source. I just call up sounds, not songs... and recycle them.   I have a big honking midi activity indicator in my concert setups, and that's as far as I need to occasionally glance at the screen.  If using a Kontakt string/brass/synth type library, I'll just use single patch and call up the articulations via midi.

  4. "You kids with your Diet Cokes and Dan Fogelberg!!!..."  from the movie Baseketball.


    It's generational.   Plain and simple.  So I'm (we?) are likely somewhat out of touch.  I'm fine with that. I try to keep an open mind;  genuinely open to maybe discovering something I might not have listened too. 


    I take Apple  music suggestions with the same micro-grain of salt  as their article and book recommendations.   The Rolling Stone lists of "best" guitar, vocalists etc. are by  cork sniffing hipster non- musicians with a paid by the word pulpit.   Also think the R&R hall of fame is a pathetic joke.


      I was recently subjected   exposed to a long car ride with younger  nieces and nephews  of  Taylor Swift,  Billie Eilish.   I have the utmost respect for those artists, and  totally get the appeal.   Just not for me.   Wouldn't expect my younger kin to appreciate Court & Spark, Pet Sounds or  Blonde on Blonde either. Though one of them is obsessed with the Beatles, so there's hope... 



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  5. On 5/16/2024 at 3:45 PM, Dave Keys said:

    My main complaint with these boards is the limited number of patch storage memories, so I have to overwrite the factory patches to have enough user patches saved.

    I've been really happy using John Melas patch lib program. Available for CP, CK and YC.  Often need to swap out large show banks, and his software has been bullet proof. Price is reasonable . I'm considering grabbing the editor too.

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  6. 2 hours ago, counterpoint said:

    Make the guitarist cover the horn parts...

    If I could amend this, have guitarist cover the Sax parts.  Just did some legacy shows with Coasters-Drifters.  Few of the hit & run gigs they didn't have the sax player.  Had told their traveling MD before I refused to play (wretched) keyboard sax on stuff that is iconic to the band because promoter/agent were too cheap to hire real deal.  Guitar player played signature hooks, &  I occasionally doubled the lines on piano.  Actually worked out kinda cool.- and updated the songs a bit. 


    In the eat your own words dept:  Motown Revue this summer as second keys. Nice venues & pay. Plus great charts..  MD on those is Sax player and light piano.  Usual vibes-strings-misc,  but will have to do some brass.  At least with real sax on top,  it's tolerable.   Covering all with YC and Nord Stage, and going to experiment replacing Mainstage with dedicated Ipad and "Heavy Brass" .   Besides Korg Module or M1 app, about the only thing I saw for pop brass. Will have to gig test.


    Sampled my own and searched,  but never been happy with any Nord's dynamic brass swell patches.  Which is all I need from an external source.  Normally layer Kontact session horns...but would love to leave laptop home just for that sound and occasional layering.  Miss old Motiff patches that did that.  Don't have one around to sample.  Going to try GSI Baldwinfunster mentioned too.   Any other Ipad or Nord horns worth checking out?

  7. 17 minutes ago, mcgoo said:

    good strong Bungee cables are a must!

    That looks like the answer, though I remember a post on MPN sometime ago about dangerous bungees.  I know mine are scary old and frayed. 

     I'd love to know if there are "safer" versions you or others recommend?


    Have a guitar player friend who uses and loves those knuckle busting ratchet end type nylon straps but  kind of a PITA to deal with.

  8. On 5/14/2024 at 2:59 PM, zephonic said:

    Neither one delivered what I hoped for, but my expectations were probably unrealistic, looking for some kind of magic bullet to break through my own ceiling.


    That's been my experience  taking  one-off master classes with great players who aren't always the best teachers.   But I continue to do them when budget and/or availability allows.  I figure if nothing else, making the contact and getting at least one nugget justifies the cost. 


    At 60+ feel  I'm doing better as a reborn older student.   Either because time is more precious, or comprension comes a little easier. But also forget faster if I don't apply and use the concepts. 


    Got a local guy I see about once a month and get stuff to work on and keep busy with.   After following him on You-tube forever,  found out he lived next town over, and we had a ton of mutual music friends.    


    Not sure if online counts;   works great for road travel and keeps me from other vices :).   I do a scattershot approach.  Doing Mdecks, Jazmentl,  PianoPig, and a few others that have helped fill in some things for me with my short attention span.   Though I'm not as organ focused- considering  remote private w/Tony Monaco- love his vibe and chops. 

  9. 1 hour ago, mcgoo said:

    Here's mine. Rock'n Roller Cart R6 I believe

    Wow Thank you!  I'm an idiot. I stack  stuff in the car this way. Never thought to do keyboards vertically. The knuckle dragging fool I am, always do the keyboard  lengthways and cart fully extended.  Which also makes it harder maneuver around corners and elevators.  I've seen the light- at least for gigs with cement access.

    • Like 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Stokely said:

    Certainly if I had to go on grass, gravel or sand my cart wouldn't work well at all.   

    Your rock and roller, or the "soccer cart"?   The handles do look a bit weird, and l agree with Eric they look a little delicate. But Amazon has liberal returns......  Another Scott you care to weigh in?


    I'm thinking of this just  for a few specific outdoor winery gigs I do.   In their infinite wisdom, they built the stages with gravel access only.  Probably for electric golf carts.  My R&R cart (and the  poor sound company's racks) fail miserably on those. 

  11. Got the same Rock and Roller cart with the smaller front wheels as those posted by Stokeley & Eric. .   It's served me well, and has paid for itself many times over- at least for indoor gigs.


      However, with outdoor summer concert series starting, it really sucks trying to roll it on the grass & gravel stage access points you often encounter.


    Thought about upgrading to the R&R  model with larger front wheels but geez- the price has gone up to $300 plus..   Anyone used this kind before?   They have several with single shelf in keyboard sizes, and the netting is removable. 


    Single shelfwith drop down 







  12. On 5/11/2024 at 6:33 PM, pjd said:

    Making charts is work!!!

    Amen!    With that as sequitur-I wonder about the third component to this is:  what would be considered intellectual property from your employer??  .  Particularly in Ministry.


    Part of my Church MD gig  is creating charts/scores  and arrangements for band/small orchestra of both new stuff and traditional hymns.     When I took the gig, previous  MD left a nice good luck note and thumb drive of all his Finale and PDF files.     Much of the contemporary stuff was dated, but was able to re-purpose others.   Though it's never been spelled out, guessing when I leave I'll be expected to do the same?    Though I owned them already,  church pays for additional Finale & Abelton licenses and updates,  plus the laptop I use them on. 


    2 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

     I wouldn’t think twice about leaving them for a sub if I wasn’t able to make a date.


    I think sometimes your rep is everything.  Had that situation:  got Covid two days before a slew of gigs.  Nice theaters & concert series with a  younger artist who does half originals and Garcia/Dead stuff.   The Dead stuff was not something I usually do (or listen to..) so had it and  his stuff charted full hog in Finale.  They didn't ask, but sent everything to the guy who covered for me.  He already knew a bunch of the Dead stuff, but not the originals.  He was super appreciative.  Would of liked to have been compensated, but felt greater need to not screw over the artist.  That guy who covered for me has since sent some nice referrals and has  been a good contact.  Artist has continued to call for more gigs.  So that was the right thing to do.


    On the other side-do fair amount of gigs in Legacy/Oldies circuit,  which are notorious for using pickup bands, and having horrible charts.  Couple of resident MDs have asked if they could have my charts.  Feels dickish,  but unless artist asks personally - usually just say they're for sale.   When I'm MD- feel it's part of the job to make sure band is set up for success, including making sure charts are good.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. Sounds like using the gear you have will work. But If considering IOS:   As mentioned other  most simple set/song apps can do midi, or you can get a dedicated Midi program changer  and call up via cable or bluetooth..  I've done both.  I end up with charts on most shows, so Forscore for me.    I like the way it calls up the patches with  page turn of each song, and also allows virtual  push buttons over sections. Works great when needing to switch from Marcatto to Legato on string patches within a tune.


    Though I may have a few specially oddball patches, heavily recycle patches on most shows, where same  string patch on Nord or piano sound on YC is used in other songs.  Also use Mainstage as  third sound source., but call everything up from Forscore. 

     In the middle of programming a Motown Revue show, and this is the first time I've used  Forscore to send changes to all 3 devices, all via Bluetooth.  I somtimes let the Nord stage send changes to Mainstage via it's external section, since those two are usually doing similar things.



    Couple of IOS apps if you don't use charts-  goes from simple free- to complex

    Keypad style FREE






    And this beast....



  15. Was kind of curious if any of this changed since my last go round-  quick googling-is this different from HTS 55? - (Emphasis, mine)


    In particular, HTSUS 9804.00.65 allows for the duty-free importation of personal-use articles from a Column 2 country when the fair retail value of such goods is under $800. Also see 19 C.F.R. 148.33. HTSUS 9816.00.20 establishes a duty rate of 4% of the fair retail value for personal-use articles under $1,000 imported from a Column 2 country. Thus, any articles imported under this section for personal use with a value of under $800 can be imported duty free, and any articles imported for personal use with a value between $800 and $1800, will be subject to a flat 4% duty rate. Any articles valued over $1800, regardless of whether for personal use, will be subject to entry and should be classified, appraised, and assessed duty appropriately under the specific HTSUS Column 2 rates. Also see 19 C.F.R. 148.101 and 148.102. Any commercial importation, i.e., not for personal use, is subject to entry requirements and payment of applicable duties, fees, and taxes.


    All said I agree, still cheaper, would love to know how they bill you, and it if it's Thomann or UPS/DHL.


    https://www.cbp.gov/travel/international-visitors/know-before-you-visit/customs-duty-information#:~:text=Thus%2C any articles imported under,a flat 4% duty rate.

  16. 50 minutes ago, adamcz said:

    To bring some closure here, I ordered the Crumar suitcase from Thomann. Maybe the others are a little nicer, but the I couldn't tell for sure and the price difference is huge. 2-3 week backorder which hopefully won't become months and months.

    Cool.  Did you find out how much the import tariff is?   When first shopping for clones,  I spent 3 days trying to get a definitive answer from US customs and got nowhere.  Though they're excellent on all other fronts,  Thomann couldn't really help there.   I've bought accessories, cases, stands etc. with great success and fast delivery from them, but all were under the $800 import threshold.   Was very tempted to get my Classic from them because  so cheap, but my guy at Sweetwater hooked me up.

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  17. All the time.   It's the perfect hit and run format. 

    It may of stemmed from budgets, but also getting tired of hearing myself solo on long classic trio format gigs.   I'd rather have Sax/Clarinet  than bassist.  Love the freedom of being able to call anything.   Hate the terror if it's a song I've never played, because now keys and bass both suck.   :)


    My usual format for low impact gigs: Sax, Percussion,  and me piano + LH bass.   Ideal for restaurants, cocktail, etc.   Though  not exclusively Latin, we sell  this as the  "Bossa trio".    My drummers often just do snare and perc (no cymbals).    I've also added trumpet to that format for Prohibition-Gatsby gigs (which is a thing down here for corporate....). Unless I have budget,  I'd  rather add the additional lead instrument.    Also do a ton of Sax and Piano duo kicking bass. 


    My threshold for these gigs is two hours, cocktail etc.  For a longer 3-4 hr hit, I'll go with real bass player if possible.   


    Definitely changes your perspective for soloing and comping.  If using DP I've found using a  piano sound with  tiny bit of  pad string layer helps fill things out.  If using real piano, I'll bring a small synth to do bass.   



  18. 17 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    it’s beneficial to try to learn new things

    I agree, and good to be reminded.   I totally get the way things have progressed.   i opened this topic that I wasn't ranting, mainly asking  if this is the new norm.   At least for certain gigs it appears it is.  As others have mentioned, you find ways to adapt if you need a certain workflow.     I don't see it changing for pit-show stuff,  that's still a byzantine world of copyright and performance use.    BTW- any Spotify to Mp3 ripping I'm doing is with Artist blessing.  Not using it for covers.  



    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 hours ago, RABid said:

    Our church uses Planning Center but the music director does not always send a mp3/YouTube link to every song.

    Going off my own topic.   Sorry to hear that.  I see that all too often.  Tell him/her to contact me,  happy to show how it fully works, no charge.       Forgive my partiality: also  MD at my Church, and do a fair amount of consulting for other churches on how to fully use Planning Center.   Beta testing on the apps.    Most just use it as a service order set  list with email and never go any further.   I often wish there was something like it in the secular world.   The integration of it's music stand app (similar to Forscore and Paperless music) ability to store/segregate arrangements, Pro Presenter, Song Select lyrics, all kinds of housekeeping with tracks, video,   band/tech/clergy scheduling,   CCLI reporting and polling, and more .. is pretty amazing.

  20. 10 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    maybe the people sending just haven't thought about that,

    Now that I'm doing more freelance  bar/club stuff, plus my regular things,   kind of amazed how badly some band leaders, music directors and  artist management are about getting  material properly out there.  But yeah they probably just don't realize it. 


     I think Scott & Jerrythek  hit it on the head that our needs are just different from vocalist  or  bass player's. To paraphrase Mr. Spock:  "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the  keyboard few"  :)


    I use the YT  speed and cue point thing a bunch, but still find the player a bit wonky. Plus if you don't have web access- ugh.    +1 on Transcribe, also highly reccomend Capo (free).   ForScore's player also has transpose, speed and tune.   





  21. I’m a free agent. Disclaimer: also boomer.  


    Most folks I work with don’t send Mp3s (or links to them) anymore- it’s Spotify/Apple playlists.  Originals and cover bands. 


    Pit /Show and Oldies circuit are still doing Dropbox/G-Drive live show files of audio & charts.     Churches: Planning Center, but now getting streaming playlists from a few.


    I use Forsore.  Like to have Mp3s with the charts to learn the show.   Until I got a Spotify to Mp3 convertor, was taking longer to collect material than rehearse it.  Great for car listening,  but learning not so much.


     Asked some younger cats in few of the bands:  they say they just learn the gig on the streaming app player.  I find those players clunky.  Especially if needing to transcribe and make charts.    Like being able to tune/transpose or slow down the track.  I do welcome progress.  Old enough to remember when we were given CDs....and Cassettes! 


    Are you seeing this too??   Like using the streaming apps, or old-school?      Not a rant, just genuinely curious. 

  22. Lots of good advice here and in other posts. I would say don't beat yourself up over it. Putting together a rig that works often entails taking an empirical approach.  Reading about other's rigs can only go so far.   What works for someone else may not for you and vice versa. 


    I went all in bleeding edge on Ipad and didn't work for me.  Did the same with Laptop, but did end up going hybrid with hardware. I do love using Ipads for rehearsals and such.       For me, using a Laptop is cleaner &  easier in the long run.  But I have nothing to preach.  Many here have had  great success on Ipad.   Sounds like you're in PC world,  something like Gig Performer would be the place to start, rather than Reaper.    If you do Mac, Mainstage is $30.00 and highly recommended. 


     Again you've got to do a couple of gigs to see what works best.

  23. On 3/11/2024 at 10:35 AM, SamuelBLupowitz said:

    This thread is reminding me that I need to take some time to tweak the Leslie sim on my Mojo

    Definitely worth the time.    I just did a deep dive on both Leslie and other parameters for some upcoming gigs.  Was initially happy with Classic out of the box, but much happier now.  Now using a couple of Mitch's organ models.  I also found using some of the brighter A100's that I'm most used to, allowed me to be subtractive and  just back off the treble on the gig as needed;  rather than trying to jack up something that was too dull. 


       Was going to experiment adding my Vent mini,  but just a few tweaks on the internal sim really made a difference.  E.G. the Leslie mic distance always felt a bit off to me. I prefer no room with the mic sounding like it's inches away -  and add verb as desired on the gig.  Adding just a minuscule of belt noise also  got it close to what i'm used to. 

    Just picked up a 145, and was also thinking of pulling my old MotionSound Pro3T out of mothballs.  If stage space and schelp tolerance  will allow, I feel like those would be more significant than the extra 5-8% the Vent adds.



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