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Posts posted by SoundEngine.com

  1. On 9/21/2022 at 4:08 AM, AUSSIEKEYS said:


    I never worry about scores. Never.


    My wife does and always says such and such is said to be good by the throngs. When i hear that I dont want to watch if the throngs think its good. We often cannot agree on movies


    Ironically i take a chance by one simple expedient. If the heading photo looks good i open the description if i can accept that i consider it. Ironically often the heading photo is deceptive but hey its as good as going eeny meany miney moe I guess


    But by coincidence it was a suggestion from my wife. Not that she saw a write up but by the heading.


    As a famous Aussie once said


    "Do yourself a favour"



    So, you've seen all six "Sharknado" movies then?


    Seriously, back on topic (directed at me) - I saw this movie last night and added it to my list - I will be checking it out.

  2. 21 hours ago, Konnector said:

    I currently use 5 pin DIN MIDI for everything in my studio. 4 ports of MIDI I/O from my DAW to 12 synths. Minimal daisy chaining as I have a couple of MIDI I/O selector boxes which allows me to control anything from any of the 7 keyboards.  




    I use it for everything in my studio, except when:


    1) I'm editing from a computer AND

    2) the synth under edit has a USB port 



  3. If you do go the route of a financial advisor, I recommend that you make them earn their fees.


    Example: I've gone to four of them, and hired two. One has since been fired. What I have found is that they rely on very, very standard calculations and very, very "status quo" strategies for your retirement, then sit back and take little action.


    First: the old 4% rule. 


    I recommend building a spreadsheet that covers your retirement years, plug-in your own assumptions, and build in your own contingencies and risks. Then, you have data to question what the financial advisor is saying, and in my experience, you'll end up in a better place. Challenging "the experts" is in your favor.


    Second: Wait as long as possible to start taking Social Security


    Again, using your spreadsheet, calculate various scenarios for taking SS, including at age 62, 65, 67, and 70. What I found was that if I waited for SS until full retirement age, I got more from the government, but my net worth at the end of my life was less - essentially, I was tapping the "nest egg" more while waiting for Social Security. In any case, most financial advisors will tell you to wait to get SS "because the government increases your payout by 8% every year you wait. However, I look at it differently.


    Consider this. Let's say (completely false) my scheduled monthly payout at age 62, which is early, is $1000 per month, $12K per year. If I wait a year, my payout will be $1080 per month - great. So, with that increased $80 per month, it will take me 150 months to break even with the $12K I passed up for a year. That is a bad choice for me - so I'm getting SS early when I can and ending up with higher net work in the end.


    One person's perspective ...

  4. 32 minutes ago, Adam Burgess said:

    Lot of stuff is in the manual, but there's quite a bit undocumented.



    This is sort of a universal truth with every manufacturer and I have been guilty of "undocumenting" myself.


    It would have been interesting if the MIDI Manufacturers association didn't issue specific instrument SysEx IDs for a synth unless at least a draft of the SysEx documentation was submitted for review. Now, the MMA was never a "policing" organization, but I think that sort of rule, would have driven the correct behaviors from manufacturers.


    As a product developer in past lives, I can assure you that SysEx documentation was the last thing on everyone's list before shipping.


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  5. I'm aligned with you on the notion of including am FM engine in every synth on the planet. It's an interesting proof-of-concept sort of thing, but with hardware synths like the OP-6 and software synths like FM8 (and now, OP-6) who do FM much better, I don't think it's necessary.


    That said, I'll get back to you on questions I have. There's so much rich content here that you've already delivered (thank you for that), I need to pour over it first.

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  6. Fizmo was started before the lumping together of Emu and Ensoniq, but after the acquisition by Creative, if memory serves.


    It was mostly "done" when we were undergoing the merger process with Emu.


    I agree with the comment about the "wings still being wet". There's a lot of hidden history in what happened at Ensoniq, Emu and Emu-Ensoniq after both companies were acquired by Creative. 




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