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DC Ross

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Posts posted by DC Ross

  1. One big mistake that many people make is reading tube layout descriptions such as the above and thinking that certain tubes are only used for certain channels. Wrong.


    The heart of the amp is V1 ... and everything is driven by V1. Each channel then has it's own voicing.


    You need to check V1, V2 and make sure they are of proper spec and very few tubes today are so get as close as possible.


    Also ... try an ECC83S in v1 and V2. Great in that amp for my taste.



    Thanks, Myles. I have GT Mullard clones in V1 and V2 right now. I put them in there hoping they would fix my issue, but to no avail -- the 'compression' seems just as bad as before.

  2. Hey Myles, I've got a Rivera Knucklehead Reverb and a question.

    I'm not sure if you're familiar with this specific head, but it's a 3 channel with 4x EL34s and the following preamp tube layout (from Richard's Rivera Amplifier Page:


    V1 - First Gain Stage

    V2 - Second Gain Stage for British & High Gain Channel

    V3 - Final Gain Stage for American & British Channel, Third Gain Stage for High Gain Channel

    V4 - Final Gain Stage for High Gain Channel, Effects Loop, & Reverb

    V5 - Phase Inverter


    Now for the question/problem: The second ("British") channel is seriously compressed sounding -- to the point that tapping on the body or bridge is almost the same volume as hitting an open chord. Any suggestions?



  3. Hey Miles,


    I'm looking for a recommendation for replacement power & preamp tubes for my Mesa/Boogie Bass 400 (not the + model & it's bias is fixed).


    I'm looking for a very big, full bottom end with smooth mids & highs and as much clean headroom as I can get. I'm definitely not a fan of the harsh, metallic sound that many of today's bassists are so fond of.


    Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.



    -DC Ross

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