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Posts posted by Hobo

  1. So after nearly 20 years of gigs with MainStage I fancy going all hardware with a YC73. 

    But- I often play LH bass and used a separate send on my sound card for FOH. 


    Can the YC be hard panned so I can have mono bass on the left out and all the keys on the right out so the sound engineer can mix totally independently?



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  2. I"m hoping to have a dedicated iPhone just for cheap and easy gigs. I have VB3m, pure piano and will get a decent wurly/Rhodes.


    Is there as yet , an app that holds them all and possibly able to add FX like amp sim, and allows for easy , seamless patch change on the fly?


    Still use mainstage for the high profile gigs , also have gig performer on a mini pc but would love the simplicity of iPhone+battery powered controller.

  3. That's great news. I use that set up currently, via MainStage and a controller, but am temped back to hardware by this keyboard. I also don't get the bashing the rotary is getting, it sounds like the best of all the clones I have heard to my ears, but each to their own I guess!


    I only wish the 73 version was a waterfall too but you can't win them all.


    Been on MainStage since launch over 13 years ago, from VB3 to currently Blue3 and various soft pianos etc, but to my ears this board, especially with the new Nashville piano is right up my street, and only 7kg, what's not to like.

  4. A quick question - Can you split, LH bass sample, and layer organ AND piano on the RH? So THREE sounds playing at once. If so, could I also layer piano and organ across the whole board, and have an external midi controller playing a bass sound from the YC ?


    If yes I'm probably going to bite....

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