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s mel gibson1642606968

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Posts posted by s mel gibson1642606968

  1. As it is with any EVH song with guitar parts. The only way to play it right is "note for note". The chords are the easy part. Each bar of solo has to be right with the tone at least close.


    Otherwise, you're just hacking your way through it.


    Only Eddie is allowed to change anything.

  2. Japanese tattoos are classy. Lots of red. But I don't have any. I don't like needles.


    Gangland tatty's must come off one way or the other if you quit the gang. It won't be your decision either. Unless you're respectfully retired. Like, you took the fall and did time for it.


    Soldiers who've been through a tight situation and came out of it alive may never want to never forget that day. That's a good reason.


    If I was a surviving fire fighter from 911, I'd have one.

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