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About GregH

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


  • occupation
    Systems Consultant
  • hobbies
    Piano, Rhodes, Hammond
  • Location
    Southern California
  1. If it's one of Bill's chops, he's created swell pedal insert electronics to simulate the tonal change of the original organ swell (e.g the increase of brightness with volume). However, I believe you're right relative to the overdrive part of the equation. On the chop I built, I have a clutch cable that runs from the swell box lever to the pedal, with a modified XLR for quick connect/disconnect. But I've been tempted to have Bill add his swell circuit to my organ as an alternative solution. Bill also has an effects loop mod which can be used to insert reverb, EQ, overdrive, etc. between the organ preamp and the Leslie.
  2. That configuration looks like an early Bill Axman chop (from the Los Angeles area). Notice that to save vertical space, the tone generator is further back and the preamp is mounted on the back. Also, Bill puts the start and run switch on the back plate similar to yours. Although Bill no longer has photos of his chops on his Alltek Organ site, the following URL shows a red one that he built. http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/newbay/kb_200809/index.php?startid=18
  3. The tweed one is gorgeous. How does the Leslie sound with the covering?
  4. I chopped a 1962 RT3 that I rescued from a trip to the dump, paired with a Leslie 46W, also rescued from a trip to the dump. I chose to use a clutch cable for a physical linkage between the stock preamp and the expression pedal. Although I've been using a Z-stand, I'm considering welding a 4-legged pipe version when I get the time (to give it more of a B look). I gotta tell you, I learned more about what makes a Hammond tick doing this chop project than I did playing them for 30+ years. http://www.hotrodmotm.com/images/misc/GHolmes.jpg As a side note, on the weekends I still play a stock 1957 C3 and Leslie 122 that I've had since I was 11...40+ years ago. Greg
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