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Everything posted by moot

  1. Well, I wouldn't hold my breath either Phil. Americans are notoriously flakey and they may not show at all. Now I ask ya, is that hideous? Turns out her biggest gripe is the feet? http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/02-28-09_1126.jpg
  2. My, my. No need to be so . . . wait . . . teste! You were right Bub. She knew it as soon as she got home.
  3. I love Toms idea. But you absolutely must say "excuse me, I didn't see you there." C'mon Flank - grow a pair.
  4. My G went out for the night so, in the spirit of getting ready for the season I set up my fly tying desk in the guest bedroom. For several months it has been denied access to the house and deemed "hideous" by above mentioned G. I'm starting a pool to see how long it takes her to notice.
  5. I agree with Davio - I know, shocking. I have been a part of groups that bring in a "heavy hitter" to bolster the bands appeal. The fact that he contacted you is a great plus and I am hoping the best for your cute little ensemble. The CW band sounds like a bunch of goobers. You are probably better off without them. It is hard to see though - guitarist with a mustache and cowboy hat, drummer with the same and then a freekin sasquatch on bass. You could call it "Harry and the Hankerers". And BTW, warts? Ummmm . . . okay.
  6. This damn rain (and my lack of planning) has given me a vacation of sorts so I have been woodshedding. Today I finally got thru the first 3 tracks of Dream Theaters latest. I freekin love this stuff!
  7. That just proves what a sick little monkey you are. "Big Mac Falafel?"
  8. So much of that is wrong - it made me hungry though.
  9. Man, I found out that a long time friend and good drummer was diagnosed with luekemia. He's my age. I am trying not to go into a hypochondriatic frenzy. So, I am getting all the local musicians together to perform at a fund raiser. Haven't got a clue how to put one on but I'll learn soon enough.
  10. * in Curly voice * " Ohhhhhhhh - nyuk,nyuk,nyuk. High falootin'! " Gimme a ribeye impregnated with fresh garlic, some corn-on-the-cob, taters, salad with blue cheese, texas toast and a big, cold glass of milk. You're a tampenade.
  11. Are you saying you wouldn't touch it with a 9.5 foot pole? My nearest grocery store is about 7 miles away. Oddly enough, I don't eat fish.
  12. So, I'm gearing up for ultra-lite. I scored a 6 foot graphite rod and am going to use 3w line as opposed to my usual 9.5 foot rod with 6w. The river opens in mid March. Should be interesting. What the hell is "the twitter thing"?
  13. I'de pay $99 just to be spared the accordian.
  14. Interestingly unfortunate. Another budget priced option gone. I played a Fender copy once and didn't like it but I recently played an older OLP Teleclone a friend has and it was pretty sweet. I always wanted to try the Stingrayclone. Like this one.
  15. Ain't I just a weenie? It only ended up being 6 inches - but it kept me home for 3 days.
  16. this just ain't right - it's not supposed to snow here Front yard http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/14-1.jpg Back Yard http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/12.jpg
  17. Dadblamed Long Eared Galoot Zoinks And Away B'deea B'deea Left At Albequerque Vewwy Vewwy Quiet Yeah Yeah - Sure Sure Gulla Bull
  18. Snot Rocket Donkey Snot Snotty at Potty Snotty Patty Port-a-snotty Sir Snotsalot
  19. Man, this weather won't let me work and I'm bored. How bored? I just finished googling a bass clef phone charm.
  20. Thanks Davio - Well, the drummer was having trouble doing a double kick intro to a song that was previously recorded. Simple punch-in only he couldn't count it out correctly and then land in the right place. He finally got the part right and Ed just stuck it in where it was supposed to be. Gotta love Cubase. I forgot to mention the fun. The very last song we did was a tribute to SRV called Strokin'. A fast 4 bar blues deal that they decided to add as a "bonus track". I asked them what they wanted to hear and I expected the usual "just do a simple walking line", but Keith said to play whatever I wanted and it was a gas! Nicest buzz I've gotten from playing in a long, long time.
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