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Everything posted by Whacked

  1. 15,... 50 still dang fast tire wear. 'course they probably have the super soft rubber for max traction and grip.
  2. At this speed, the tires will wear out in 50 minutes. But thats OK, the fuel will run out in 12,... OMG! I watched that at work with a co-worker. freaking insane!
  3. Mmmmm Apple Butter. My mom used to make all kinds of jams and jellys (strawberry, peach, blackberries-wild hand picked, elderberry, apricot, etc.) and of course, apple butter. The apple butter was always the first to dissapear
  4. sourdough bread FTW! Just a random drive-by-post shipping sucks, I have everything delivered to my work. guaranteed to get it and no worries about the delivery dude (or dudette) leaving it at the door for some lowlife to swipe. been selling old game stuff on evilbay. some dude won a couple auctions for 2 rulebooks. he wants it by this weekend. hmm, I normally ship priority flat rate. pretty fast and reasonable price. this dude wants me to ship it media mail. maybe I should charge a asshole tax, this dude has been sending me emails with a lot of uncalled for language and namecalling. priority packages is free but not the others, so I charged him for that (to which he pissed and moaned). he finally paid me but too late, i'm already at work and the stuff is at home. So he wants it by this weekend? I'll ship it tomorrow using the method he wants. he'll be lucky to get it next month think I need to see a head shrink. I'm doing mindless, repetitive, generally boring work at the moment, and actually liking it! Oh, and the boss is out today. time to load up some MP3's and kick out the tunes!
  5. I was unemployed for 6 months last year. It sucked hard and was pretty depressing. But now I have a good job with a good company and great people. Making more than I did and MUCH better bennies. I've been with this company for a year now altho officially it will be a year in November (I worked there 2 months as a temp before they hired me). There is light at the end. you may not see it now but it is there. And take interviews with companies your really not that interested in doing. its GREAT for practice so you will be better prepaired for the one you want. After an interview with a company you want, follow up with a Thank You letter. You know, thanks for taking the time to interview, hope I meet your expectations and requirements, etc. Once such company I sent a letter to, their President called me and we talked for a good half hour. All because I sent that letter in. I didnt get that job unfortunatly, but I made a good impression. Such a good impression that a few months back, the person they hired left. I got a phone call asking me if I wanted to work for them. but I like where i'm at now so I declined. Good luck on your job search.
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