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Bob Rinker

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Posts posted by Bob Rinker

  1. Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

    Welcome to the KC, gentlemen! :wave:



    I'm 50-something, now returning to music a bit. Was in a rock-n-roll band in high school, back in the late 60's. I still have my Wurlitzer 7300 combo organ, but recently bought a Hammond XK-3 - this satisfies my life-long desire to own a B-3.


    I have always dabbled in music, but it was a series of recent events that pushed me back into it. My neighbors and I were talking a few months ago - they play at a local establishment every weekend. We got talking about musical instruments of the "old days" - Hammond B-3, Moog modulars, Fender Rhodes, etc. This inspired me to pull out the old Wurlitzer, which had been locked away for probably 20 years. A few notes were way out of tune, and a couple didn't sound at all. After acquiring a schematic off the internet, and finding a place in Great Britain to get some oscillator coils, I got the old baby back to playing condition - it now all works like the day I bought it! However, I then remembered all of its sound limitations, so recently got the XK-3 - now there are no compromises (except that I still have no talent!)


    I am now interested in playing a few old tunes I knew way back when (amazing how the mind remembers bits and pieces from the past!), some sounds I could never accomplish before (tears came to my eyes when I pulled in the registration for a Whiter Shade of Pale the first time), and maybe a few new tunes. I don't really plan to gig any more, but you never know - a couple of people I work with have invited me to jam with them.


    My first degree was in Electrical Engineering, which now serves as a hobby. (My master's thesis involved building a music synthesizer - didn't everybody do that back then?) I'm currently a professor in Computer Science, but consider music as my relief valve. I enjoy some of the new technology, but I am mostly a traditionalist (at least from my era of music) as a counterpoint to the rampant technology enveloping our world today. Thus, I bought an XK-3, but am not especially interested in the other admittedly fabulous keyboards available today. Maybe I'll think differently after I pay off this one!


    I am in complete awe of the professionals who participate in this forum - it is a privilege to listen in and occasionally interact. At the same time, as some other newbies have recently noted, I feel completely at home here. I hope all of you will put up with a few rank amateurs in your midst.


    - Bob Rinker

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