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Everything posted by Jazz+

  1. I find this style very intriguing. What is Beeboss thinking to play like this counterpoint? Is there some sort of system to the approach? It sounds so free but he is maiantaing some semblance of tonalities. How would you show somebody to play in this style? Reminds me of Jarrett the first few bars but then more of the Tristano school, it's sounds like free counterpoint... but what is he thinking? It reminds me of Dave Frank, the former student of Tristano that teaches in NY.
  2. My pleasure, Dave. And if anybody would to recopy their arrangements too, send me a pdf or jpg of their arrangements. Although, no guarantees of how long it might take.
  3. Marino, Thanks for your changes and the excellent analysis, it all makes sense. I wrote them down and it inspired me to come up with a couple of my own reharmonizations of ATTYA. J+
  4. Marino, Your version of "All The Things You Are" was brilliant. What was your thought process for penciling in those changes away from the piano? Is your chart viewable? J+
  5. SK, "Easy Living" is one of all time my favorite tunes and I love what you did with it.
  6. Dave Ferris, I dig your version of Night And Day.
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