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Posts posted by Shoes

  1. Hi there..


    Searched and came up stupid... I'm looking for a basic wiring diagram for a pair of humBs and a 5 way switch for a tele loaded fat at either end.... though one be truly thinner than the other but fat none the less.


    Par N, Ser N, Ser N&B, Ser B, Par B.


    which in my thinking would be fairly common but somehow difficult to find a diagram for.


    Point me in the right direction if you could please.



  2. I'm clean and likely to stay that way.


    Likely spent my life thinking about it but nothing's ever come to mind.


    One thought I think I read here and that was a guy who got his favorite guitarist to sign him and then he had it inked. I'm kind of keen to that but getting Jimmy, Eric & Jeff to sign my arm isn't likely to happen any time soon.

    I'm not ruling it out... plenty of life left in me... hopefully them too.

  3. Hi Myles...

    I was repairing the footswitch jack on my Marshal TSL-112 last night and I got to thinking about regular PM routines...


    Couldn't come up with any .. but I did ponder the potential benefits of swapping the tubes around regularly.


    I'm certain that they won't wear at the same rate and simply assumed rotating them like I do my tires might be helpful.


    Watcha think?

  4. Hi Myles..


    I've been having some strange channel hopping with my TSL-122 lately. I'm sitting perfectly in Crunch and then it hops to Lead.. Clean.. back and where ever :freak:


    Never happened before last month.


    I'm running the stock 5 switch pedal.

    It's never fallen over on its' back with the cord plugged in but has tumbled (about a year ago) onto its' back and slid the length of a van.

    Everything ran great after that so I asumed all was well.


    I'm fine with an iron but before I open it up and retouch the contacts I thought I'd see if you ever heard of such a problem, either with the pedal, socket or amp.



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