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About kenfxj

  • Birthday 11/19/1960


  • Location
    Princeton, New Jersey
  1. Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
  2. Idylls of the Queen of the Night of the Living Dead of the Winter of our Discontent II
  3. Jimmy Changa & The Hot Enchiladas
  4. Drunken Monkey Style The Being Known As Wondergirl Sleeping Giants The House Ways & Means Committee Big Bang Boom
  5. The Flesh Failures Black Boys White Boys Manchester England My Conviction 3-5-0-0
  6. Balls of Confusion The Confused Balls The Biggest Balls Of All
  7. An attempted band of ours from the 1980s that never got past the jam stage: Bob & The Knobs
  8. I Woke Up At 4 AM The Name In My Head I Googled It It's Not A Thing Weird
  9. I woke up at 4 AM with the name Amazon Skyline in my head. I googled it and it's not a thing. Weird.
  10. The chess pieces would be awesome. Maybe black and white mother of pearl. But is it art?
  11. How about an unsealed maple neck and put a dark walnut stain between every other fret?
  12. I'm intrigued by this p-bass body. Half of me thinks it's ugly in a Buddy Guy polka dot kinda way, half of me thinks it's awesome.
  13. Yup. Read me the names, I'll tell you who's the bass player.
  14. http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/730195/84657992.jpg Ah, youngsters...
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