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About headlow

  • Birthday 07/29/1981


  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  1. Lovely looking guitar. I picked up a full size version in October past. It's quite quickly became a firm favourite. I'd go so far as to say its even replaced my long suffering Telecaster. Like yours though, the setup is not quite perfect out of the box. The action is just a tad higher than I'd like, the tuning wanders a little and there's a little 'choking' and buzz. However the pickups are perfectly balanced, and the sound through my Vox amps and whatever Helix model is flavour of the moment is to die for. Gorgeous cleans and raunchy breakup. It did take me a while to get used to controlling the feedback when playing at volume but it was far from a show stopper. I will get it set up properly when the current Covid madness subsides enough for me to visit the tech.
  2. In case you're that way inclined heres an interview with Ariel. Loads of info on his roots as a guitar player. Grab yourself a coffee and enjoy some more of his playing too.....
  3. Yep. Personally, in my rankings of 60's bands I have them higher than either The Beatles or The Stones. I also love both those bands, but there's just something about the attitude and sound of Petes songs and guitar work that I enjoy more.
  4. Started jamming with some mates at the tail end of last year. I'm not sure we've any intention of gigging, its just a way of getting out of the house every week or so. Obviously the pandemic has halted things, but we did get a little recording done before the earth stopped spinning...... https://www.dropbox.com/s/pulhkeeonz1q4nx/FreeAndEasyMix1.1_07.wav?dl=0 I should say that I'm playing bass on this one, though I do play guitar on other tunes. We switch about a bit depending on who came up with the idea.
  5. I'm sure you've no need to apologise to fellow forumites Caevan. Everyone will have understood exactly where you were coming from. Yea I still see Teahead from time to time. Obviously not as much any more. We've both gotten older and circumstance have changed and so on. But when we do get together guitars are still pretty much the topic of conversation. I will of course pass on your best wishes.
  6. Thanks Larryz. I'm actually a long time forum member with a very low post count! More of a browser. Playing a little more these last few months though, so my forum visits have picked up somewhat.
  7. Every once in a while the Youtube recommended videos really are worth a watch.... They threw this up for me last week. I'd seen him review gear for Andertons in the UK a couple times, and knew he was an excellent player. But somehow I'd never taken the time to explore his music. The gig I've linked to is excellent. Great playing and tone.
  8. Hey Miles, I've got a slight problem I'm wondering if you can help me with? I use a Laney VC30 112, usually ran at about half volume on the clean channel with a Hotplate. Today whilst playing I noticed a high pitched squealing coming from the amp. It happened with both my guitars, and with and without my pedal board hooked up (so I'm sure its not something caused by my pedals) I'm thinking it could be a tube problem, but the amp was completely re-tubed only a month ago. Plus on average the amp only gets used about an hour a day. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
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