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Posts posted by MrVegas

  1. There are a handful of worship-oriented keyboard players that I want to kind of learn their chord patterns, as well as some of the bass notes they play while changing chords.  Most of the audio is found on Youtube, guys like Noah Wonder, Alberto Rivera and Jackie Baker.  


    What is the latest and greatest software tool out there to help with this challenge?



  2. I am using a Hammond FS-9H at church while playing my XK-3c.  It works great.  But it loves to move around on the carpet.  I'm looking for a clever idea of a way to solve the movement problem.  Some kind of mounting surface.  Plywood is too thick.  Maybe an over-sided mouse pad that I could affix it to using double sided tape?




  3. On 2/5/2024 at 4:03 PM, GovernorSilver said:

    Sorry, I missed the mention of the Yamaha PSR-SX900, otherwise my response would have been the same as pjd's.


    That said I do love the Soft Drummer app (iPhone/iPad) for practicing on instruments other than my Yamaha PSR-SX600.


    Hey I'm curious about the SX900 vs. the SX600 arranger boards.  The 900 is over $2K but the 600's can be found on Ebay for around $600.   How do the drum accompaniments compare between these two I wonder?


  4. I would like to hear your expert opinions on how the tone and the Leslie sim compares between these two Hammonds.  Don't really care about keybed, action, features, percussion, etc.  Just tone and Leslie sim quality.  I heard an XK-5 in person yesterday and LOVED the tone, very rich and ballsy and I thought the Leslie sim was decent.  Not great, but good enough especially in a band setting (worship service with vocals drums and guitars all through the mix).


    Thanks in advance.


  5. 1 hour ago, brenner13 said:

    Pocket Organ was pretty good for its time. If ya got money to throw about on apps, IK/Hammond B3X hard to beat. Best onboard Leslie in iOS to my ears. But GSI’s VB3m is actually easier to use and sound great for Rock without much tweaking…and that one works on iPhone. Another iPad app that been kind of under the radar is Blue3. I’ve been using that one for rehearsal  lately…along the lines of VB3m but with better UI. Takes a very close 3rd place on the Leslie sim, but fine for my needs. 


    Hey brenner, could you be more specific about hot the VB3m is easier to use than B3X?  I would not want to control any virtual instrument from a tiny screen like an iPhone, I would want it to be on an iPad.


  6. This is strange, but I was totally unaware of the Hammond Solo.  Just looked at that thread and the video demo by Bonner's near the end of the thread.  I honestly thought it sounded damn good.  I assume it was being played through the sim onboard and not a Leslie, pretty impressive to my ears.


  7. Long story.  CX3 died.  BX3 on iPad too fidgety for my tastes.  I have a Fantom 06 but the tonewheel organ just sounds like shit, not really sure why.


    I need a Hammond clone, I own a Ventilator 2.  I am extremely finicky about Leslie sims.  I hate it when on fast speed you can hear a warbling sound (hard to describe).  I think the key is that the source samples when completely "braked" have to just sound normal when processed through a Ventilator.  I realize some may say that the SK Sim is perfectly good.  I have not heard it.  


    So I would like to make my starting point this .... "which Hammond clone sounds awesome on *fast* when being processed by a Ventilator or other Leslie simulator?"


    I should also say that I don't want to spend $3K plus.  Haven't totally decided what my budget is, but would prefer to avoid $3K plus .... willing to go with used gear here.


  8. I decided to try IK media's BX3 software for my Hammond needs.  So I have a powerful iPad Pro and I normally use Safari for web browsing.  Prior to downloading BX3, I am trying to download the IK Multimedia program called IK Product Manager.  I can see it downloading, but when I try to open it on my iPad, all it does is show me an image of a folder but it never actually opens and installs the software.  This might have something to do with iCloud (which I hate).  


    I need advice on how to actually get downloads to open on my iPad.  By the way, I could not find IK Product Manager in the App store for Apple products.


  9. Calling all Logic Pro users ....


    I am trying to learn Logic Pro.  Right out of the gate I am having trouble figuring out some of the really basic tools for selecting, copying, pasting tracks etc. in the program.  There are thousands of youtube videos out there but NONE of them are super basic, they all go way to fast and don't carefully explain how you execute these commands.


    I would happily pay somebody $50 or more to do a Zoom call with me to show me some of this basic stuff.


    Any takers?




  10. My trusted Korg CX-3 has bitten the dust.  I use in on Sunday morning worship sessions in about half of our songs.


    I recently purchased a Fantom 06 for messing around and realized it has a decent tone wheel organ with lots of customization ability.


    Curious if any other players are using the Fantom 0 series for Hammond sounds.  I'm not sure about the on-board Leslie sounds, I might have to put a brake on them and use my Ventilator.



  11. About a year and a half ago I bought an S88 keyboard controller (without trying it first) and HATED the action.  It was very stiff.  I sold it on Reverb a few weeks later.


    I didn't want to do it because I loved the way that Kontakt maps so nicely to the keyboard screens / knobs / etc.


    My question is this:  has Native Instruments recently changed the core keybed in these boards.  I don't know if they have Fatar guts or some other brand, but I remember hearing you guys talk in other threads about how sometimes the manufacturers evolve their instruments over time by changing the keybed/action.



  12. This is embarrassing.  I have been a CPA for a very long time.  I'm not a tax expert but I'm somewhat familiar with basic tax law.  I was dumbfounded today when I received a Form 1099-K from Reverb.  I sold a keyboard for a few thousand and viola, a 1099-K.  At first I was totally pissed to have to pay tax on selling a personal item from my hobby collection.  I am not a pro, I am a hobbyist.


    But then I started thinking about how I paid more for the keyboard than I sold it for.  So, technically, I sold it at a loss.  If there's a place on the 1040 to report the purchase price AND the sale price, then it will calculate a loss and I won't have to pay any tax.


    Anybody else had to deal with this?


  13. I have a dilemma to ask your opinions about. I was leaning towards the Adam AX7's ($1,500 range), and suddenly relalized that I might be able to re-purpose a pair of bad ass speakers currently used in my Meridian home theater system.  Some of you may know that Meridian equipment is high end but, like a Jaguar, difficult to tune.  These were used as rear surrounds but I almost NEVER listen to movies that way anymore.  So I would need to purchase a pre-amp for about $400 and then connect my FocusRite 8i6 to the speakers with coax/SPDF cables.  I'm guessing the sound would be amazing as these powered speakers cost around $6,000 new (I bought them slightly used about 8 years ago).  The model number is Meridian DSP3100 .


    Should I drop $400 on a used Meridian preamp and hope for the best, or save up some more money for some regular "studio monitors" which is the easier, safer, more expensive way?


  14. I'm launching into a new chapter of my keyboard hobby .... learning to compose and record using Cubase and my Numa X 73.


    As such, I will be needing a decent pair of studio monitors.  I'm not looking to be super serious and accurate, just want something that sounds good mounted on a studio desk at ear level about six feet apart.


    My budget is $500 to $1,500.  Suggestions?

  15. Another issue just popped into my head.  I might want to get one of those bracket things that would allow me to move the screen around, closer, further away, higher, lower etc that clamps to a desk.  Do they work with all monitors or only certain kinds of monitors?


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