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Tom Fiala

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About Tom Fiala

  • Birthday 08/06/1961


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  • occupation
    plastic surgeon
  • Location
    orlando, Fl
  1. Looks fantastic.... where & when do we get to hear it?
  2. Would love to see some other classic keys in software. How about a Synthex or a Chroma, for example, to name two that are unobtainable?
  3. Gas Attack +++. Sweetwater, take my money for the Deluxe!
  4. I didn't really love the sound of the iPad version of Syntronik. Is the mac version any different in terms of sound?
  5. OT: My Andromeda has 72 knobs! Pretty close! lol
  6. This is some happy news, today. https://www.synthtopia.com/content/2021/08/03/worldwide-rights-to-oberheim-trademark-returned-to-its-founder/
  7. Didn't see your comment about the EML-101 earlier, when I made my suggestion list, Radagast. Wasn't meaning to imply that it was "lower-tier". No offense, I hope.
  8. 1. The long-awaited CS-80 clone, with a proper ribbon strip and polyphonic aftertouch like the original. 2. An electromechanical Wurlie. 3. An Elka Synthex 4. +1 on the Rhodes Chroma Really, if you're gonna make duplicates of past synths, choose the most unobtainable, revered synths & keyboards out there! Don't give me copies of low-tier stuff I can find on Reverb with a cut-down keyboard.
  9. Thank you... I'll see what I can do, following your instructions!
  10. AC: How are you using that Noah EX? I thought they needed an obsolete Windows machine to run on? I have one sitting in my closet. Tom
  11. Although I enjoyed Firechild's demo, to my ears, it sounds like material he could have dialed up with any of the great synths at his disposal. Did I miss something unique about the sound of this product?
  12. Are there any details on the proposed feature set available? I haven't seen any on the Black Corp. website or FB site. I have several minor suggestions, as a DD owner, for user convenience...like a bigger screen, fewer wall warts and a proper manual!
  13. Any sounds posted yet? Or just a cool looking photograph of the front panel?
  14. Hi. I'm thinking about doing some of the keyboard style courses thru Berklee online (3-4 course certificate)... but am wondering if any regulars here have done them, and what they thought, in terms of value for money. I need something structured to make me do this, as I tend to get too busy with my day job to do it on my own. Previously am an ARCT-trained classical pianist, but that was several decades ago - but I think I remember enough music theory, harmony & counterpoint to get me thru the classical-era theory stuff. Thanks! Tom
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