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DanYmaL X

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Everything posted by DanYmaL X

  1. tales from under the kilt ... a slap-pop-karl tribute band
  2. puddles of squirting from both ends
  3. Wreynolds Rap - Hip Hop Version
  4. Butch Barney and the Homosaurs
  5. I am actually going to do this very same thing to my fretless the next time I have to repair my surfboard dings... (figured I'd wait and concentrate all of my toxic fume intake to one session.) Just pay very close attention to the directions on the epoxy... take the advice of someone who has worked with this stuff plenty on boats and surfboards. The catalyst is very sensitive to temperature and humidity. Follow the proportions to the letter, and there are special considerations regarding the air temperature... they are there for a reason. If you don't get the mix exactly right, your epoxy will either be: Too brittle, and the surface will delam or shatter (and that would be very uncomfortable on the fingertips while playing... especially if you do lay a strip of glass down on the board.) OR, It will not set up at all and it will be too tacky. Then you would be out a good neck. Oh yeah, and whatever you do, don't leave a piece of fiberglass soaking in a resin bucket... especially near flammables... just trust me on this one... DX <>< Oh yeah, and if you use epoxy resin first, don't go back later and try to use a poly resin on it, to fill holes, etc... they don't mix.
  6. Myles: Are 'Substi-Tubes' the way to go to replace a 6SN7GT? I saw them on the Groove Tubes website. At $40.00 a pop, am I better off trying to find a replacement 6SN7 or going with the 12AX7 adapter? DX
  7. I'm dredging this out of the depths... I just got around to cracking the chassis of my Danelectro Twin Fifteen, to look at the pots: The pots are almost all identical, and this is what is stamped on them: Vibrato- Speed and Strength, and Channel 1&2- Low and Volume: BB2917 1 MEG 137804 Channel 1&2- Highs: BB2916 1 MEG 137741 There are no other markings on them, other than the Made in USA stamp on the shaft side of the pots... The serial number is: Series E model 215 SER 80858 And other than the label, FREED Transformer Co. Brooklyn NY and the number 24246 stencilled on it, the transformer is clean. I'd really like to get this amp going... in your previous reply, you indicated that with these numbers you might be able to help me figure out what speakers were in this thing, for starters... The tubes in it right now are all Raytheon, (the 2 12AX7's are unmarked though, and the 6AU6 just has some faded white paint...) The tubes are both Japanese and English. At any rate, thats where I'm at with this thing. If you have any more you can add, I'd appreciate it, or if you can direct me to another source... I've checked with a few amp techs online, with no luck. Thanks again DX
  8. Myles: I asked a while ago (before NAMM) about the rumor I heard stating the Acoustic amp co. was back in business, and I have been unable to find anything to support that... so, I guess I am stuck working this out myself (scary thought.) Here's my problem, and although it's not a tube amp, I figured it is a question you should be able to answer for me... My amp was working fine, but seemed to cut out almost imperceptibly (hah! spelled that right the first time!) But I could never find anything wrong with it. But all of a sudden, for some reason, the only way I can get my amp to work is with a cable shorting(?) the FX loop (or by adding pedals to the loop.) There does not appear to be anything wrong with the amp inside... no burns, shorts, (that I can see anyways, not being an electronics guru by any means.) Is this common? The amp is an Acoustic B-3 Collaborator head. Any thoughts on this? Thanks DX
  9. Danymal ........ I do not know if this is true, but will probably know more after the NAMM show. Just checking if you heard anything... I desperately need to find some info on my amp, as it has been acting very odd lately... is it common for an amp to suddenly only work when there is something hooked through the effects loop? All of a sudden last thursday it just stopped working, and while messing around with things I found that while I was using my FX chain (Zoom 506II and a Crybaby) through the loop it would work fine, but when I tried it with the FX chain out it would do nothing... powers on, and the speaker pops when turned off, but other than that its dead. I tried a 12" jumper to bypass the loop and that works as well... DX
  10. Myles: I heard a rumor about Acoustic being back in business... have you heard anything to that effect, or was the person who told me that maybe thinking of Acoustic Image? I'd really like to find some more information about my B-3 head. I have been unable to locate any specs or technical data on it. I have found several identical or similar amps on eBay, but no-one seems to have ant specs... Danymal
  11. Thanks again Myles... I've actually looked at a few Carvin cabs... just on eBay though. Maybe I need to check out their website... Lord knows there are enough folks posting in these forums that are giving Carvin the thumbs-up! Whether it be guitars, basses, amps, you name it, it seems like everyone points to Carvin. Maybe I'll swing by and see if they have a 2x10 I like. Danymal
  12. Myles: My next question is concerning speaker cabs... I have a Fender 18" bass cab that I run an Acoustic B-3 Collaboration series 320 W amp through... (No its not a tube amp, but we got to start somewhere.) I am considering either: a) Adding a 2x10 Bass Cab to the stack, or b) Building a new cab altogether with the 18 and a pair of 10's. Which, in your opinion would give me better overall results? And if I were to go with the single cab setup, are there any good resources you can direct me to for things like dimensions vs. wattage vs. speaker placement etc... And (an aside) I know its not a tube amp but do you know anything about the acoustic amps? I have been trying to find ltierature with specs and wiring diagrams etc for a while with no luck... Thanks Danymal_X
  13. Thanks, Myles.. this is a good start- as far as the pot date codes... where do I look for those? I don't know how you find time for all this stuff... Thanks again Danymal
  14. Myles: I have an amp I got from a friend, a Danelectro Twin-Fifteen... It was sitting in his garage when I helped him move, and he gave it to me for helping (and to get it out of the way)... it had a junked pair of 10 inch home stereo speakers, and I have no idea if it actually works (he said it did)... the first thing I did was throw those speakers away, and I have not had the time or opportunity to mess with it since. I posted in a couple other forums a few months back, and got a bit of input, but not much. I don't really know a lot about tube amps, and I'd really like to get this amp going again... I have included a link to a page with pics from all angles, including the tube diagram on the inside of the cab. Here's my list of hurdles: 1.) I am already planning on replacing the tubes, all of them, but have no idea what to look for. 2.) I have no idea what this amp had for speakers... is there a way to tell by the tube setup? 3.) My friend told me it was a bass amp but looking at the back of the control panel, I don't think so... a bass amp with a vibrato pedal? 4.) How do I test it to make sure the components other than the tubes are ok? 5.) I have too many other questions to list! If you can give me any input at all, I would greatly appreciate it... or at least point me in the right direction. Thanks DX My Dano Twin-15 Amp
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