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Mickey Keys

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Everything posted by Mickey Keys

  1. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/amvee_2007/Forums1/IMG_20141128_230006716_zps42e47e34.jpg
  2. Cool - Mr. Watkins turned in some nice work on the For Your Eyes Only soundtrack for Bill Conti, BTW...
  3. Hate to say I can't answer this with one title - Depends on what mood you catch me in. For me, the 1-2 slot shifts between From Russia With Love and On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 3-4: Casino Royale (reboot) and/or Thunderball Not coincidentally, I feel these four were also Fleming's best novels, and the films reflect that fact. The more Fleming that goes into a Bond film the better it's been, the lone aberration being The Spy Who Loved Me, a good film in it's own right simply because it was so ridiculously over the top.
  4. THIS. I once felt the same way you do about an old TOA and pulled the trigger. At first it was the cat's ass. Loved the sound. And enough balls to compete with and sometimes blow away the guitar player which p***ed him off no end . But I made the mistake of gigging with it and not having an adequate safety net. When it toasted itself in mid set one night... had gigs the next two nights and had to have something fast and cheap. That marked my forcible introduction to the B word. Fortunately I was with a different band-and guitarist - then. That was four years ago. Present day - I now have been using a Traynor K4 for two years. Like it a lot but I think it'd be a mistake to assume that because the newer ones are good, that older piece is going to be, as Norman says, a reliable and good sounding gigging amp. Bottom line, Sean - have at it if you like. It could be a lot of fun. Obviously it depends on what you want out of it. But based on my experience with that old TOA I'd certainly never take it on a gig without a back-up solution in the car.
  5. Oh well, it makes me feel like a piker tacking mine on to such an august collection but here goes: http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/amvee_2007/morockband/Taproom101511/newrig1.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/amvee_2007/morockband/Taproom101511/newrig2.jpg
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