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Posts posted by throb13

  1. Hi Myles,

    I sent you an e-mail last week at the Groove tubes tech address. I don't know if you responded to it yet because the e-mail address I gave you is experiencing problems with incoming mail. I haven't received any outside e-mails for days at that address. So, I figured I better do this the right way and send it here. The main text of the e-mail was this: I own a Marshall JCM 2000 TSL100 head. The Groove Tubes SAG kits seem to have only 3 pre amp tubes. My Marshall has 4. Will you eventually be selling kits for JCM 2000's? If not, then what would you recommend for each input (rating wise) for that elusive "brown sound? " I know...you probably get a zillion people who want to capture EVH in a tube. Well, make me a zillion and one then.

    Also, what GT EL 34 power tube rating would be best?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,


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