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Posts posted by MTalking

  1. The iPads are all dedicated to running lyrics via OnSong, but they're varying ages â some as old as iPad 3, some as new as iPad Pro 1. There's no real logic or pattern that I can see as to which one drops Bluetooth when.


    Well, wait, that's not true. I know that testing them at home, I haven't been able to get a drop. It's only at gigs. Maybe it's interference from ...I don't know.


    In any event, I think I'll try AnotherScott's suggestion of using a CME WIDI device on an iPad (in addition to the transmitters attached to the MioXL). Maybe that will perform better than the iPad's own internal bluetooth. Worth a shot, so thanks!

  2. Hello! I'm struggling with getting wireless MIDI to my iPads and I'm wondering what you guys have found to be the best, most reliable solution â especially for live performance, where a dropout can be really disruptive.


    When my band plays live, we have four iPads on stage, one for each player. The drummer's iPad shows his drum charts, the singer's shows her lyrics, etc. We use some tracks, which are on my MacBook Pro in Ableton Live. We have program changes in Ableton Live that go to the iPads to change the lyrics/chart to the right song, and even to scroll at the right part of the song (scroll to the chorus during the chorus part of the song, etc.).


    I've been routing the program changes out of the MacBook and into the mioXL, and then from there outputting via the DIN ports to the iPads (each of which has a little MIDI-to-USB converter hooked up to it).


    This method works fine, but I hate having MIDI cables all over the stage and those little converts hanging off each iPad; just looks sloppy, and of course it means more set-up and tear-down time.


    I tried setting up a Session on my MacBook Pro and sending the MIDI information over WiFi, but for whatever reason, this route caused some interference with Ableton Live and the connection kept dropping live anyways.


    So then I tried plugging in WIDI Adapters into the mioXL's outputs, and sending the MIDI information via Bluetooth. That actually works pretty well, although I still get at least a couple of drop-outs per show, which is disruptive to the musicians.


    (For instance, a song starts and the singer's iPad doesn't change to the new song, and she has to manually rifle through the various songs to find her chart. And she has to re-establish a connection to the WIDI Adapter.)


    What do you guys suggest I try next?


    Thanks in advance for any input you all can provide!

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