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Posts posted by delmar

  1. Be persistent, expect to be waiting on the phone. Keep after Paypal, when you get an automated response always try dialing 0 for Operator, it often will bring an actual human into play.

    Be brief but concise with whoever you speak with, also be very polite and calm. Once you've explained your situation and the party on the other line has responded, ask to speak to their manager.

    The call is recorded, they cannot refuse. Repeat, get up the chain of command.


    Paypal does not empower their labor force, it takes somebody higher up to make things happen.


    I've been on eBay as a seller and buyer since 2000 and have 886 feedback at 100% positive. I've dealt with a couple of disasters, mostly caused by eBay but I had to deal with Paypal too.

    Eventually, I got everything that a company should do for somebody who has been wronged. It took a couple of days of persistent pretending to be nice but it was worth it.

    Oh, Paypal says their phone banks are down for the coronavirus. I was in the middle of filling out the message box when it disappeared and I got a message saying messaging was unavailable at this time. If you try to open a dispute, you get a list of transactions to choose from. Mine's closed, as I said. Further opening not possible. A Reddit user told me that's where I messed up, though my initial claim stated my case clearly.

    My bank is sending me a form to fill out. They seemed sympathetic.

  2. Last weekend I was scrolling Facebook (I only scan it briefly once a week to see friends' posts and a Kontakt group) and I come across an ad for a drum shop that's going out of business and selling all their drum kits for $99. My jaw dropped and all my common sense went out the window. I have no other excuse, but the ad said they couldn't pay their rent and wanted to see people making good use of musical instruments during these trying times...I picked out two kits worth a total of $3600 on Sweetwater and gave them my name, address, email, phone number and paid with Paypal. Only later doing my due diligence, finding out the company had complaints against it, and getting a receipt with a tracking number that showed a delivery date of...the day before I paid for it. I filed a dispute with Paypal...second mistake. Apparently you get one chance per transaction. Paypal responded by telling me I willingly paid them and closed the case, never to be reopened. Their phones and messaging are down, their Facebook page won't respond. I'm dealing with my bank now, and froze my credit for good measure. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Don't be like me, kids.

    On a related note, I hate Paypal now. Not too fond of the idea of putting more money into the Paypal Mafia's little fingers. On the other hand, I have my doubts that Google Pay is owned by a sweet little old lady from Pasadena. Is there an alternative you folks like?

    Edit: the evil scammer's website: https://www.duanxiandaren.com/ Caution: DO NOT BUY if that's somehow not clear!

    Edit #2: A Facebook page from the drum shop that was impersonated. Shows the ad my dumb ass fell for, but with an additional price drop! https://www.facebook.com/thedrumshopmaine123/

  3. Hi again. Apologies, but I'm revisiting this issue. I purchased a Mio 1 in/1 out cable (previously I've been triggering instruments in Logic using bluetooth, but want to try to reduce latency.) I've plugged the cable marked midi out to the Kawai's MIDI out, and the "in" to the "in." (That's what I should be doing, yes?) and plugged the USB end into my iMac. Nothing. I've messed about with Audio Midi setup. There's a device called Mio in the Midi studio window. As I would hope. All channels in Logic are either set to omni or channel one. The Kawai should be sending on channel 1, but I selected it to be sure. I've been reading up on the IAC driver. Logic asks if I want the mio and the IAC driver bus on. I've tried all the combinations of yes and no. The mio is supposed to be class compliant and require no drivers.

    I guess I feel like I'm way in over my head, but I can't find a simple tutorial that explains how all the places to select channels, buses, and/or ports are supposed to work.

    Can someone either explain this or point me to a good article? I'd really appreciate it. Do I actually need that Midi host device that was suggested earlier?

  4. Just to make sure: ES110: what is the Bluetooth, streaming for music playback on the keyboards speakers?


    I have an ES-110, and the Bluetooth enable me to play my softsynths wirelessly. I have to connect every time using the Audio Midi Setup app, but that just takes a few seconds. Having to option to play with a weighted or synth action is great. Super fun to layer the Kawai with another piano, electric grand or epiano, and with the sound coming from different speakers (internal Kawai/ Mackie 824s) it's even better. I've had my Kawai for a few years now and love it.


    And yes, you can split and layer the board.

  5. To be clear, I'd like to play the Launchkey into the iMac and trigger the Neutron, running audio into an Apollo Twin and record with Logic. Maybe play with sequencing, which I have never done. Surprising that there isn't a simple cable that converts USB-C to 5-pin DIN. I have a MOTU Fastlane but I think it's unusable with Mojave. I've done a bit of research, downloaded the latest driver I could find but I can't tell if the Fastlane is working.


  6. Hello,


    I've got a Kawai ES-110, a Novation Launchkey 49, and most recently have purchased a Neutron. Bet you can guess my question.


    I have no problem triggering the Neutron with a standard MIDI cable from the Kawai. The Launchkey is USB-MIDI only.

    I can trigger softsynths with the Launchkey. But even with everything set to channel 1, not a peep from the Neutron. I've tried all the channel switches on the Neutron.

    Does anyone have any thoughts?

  7. OK, I'll elaborate. Terje is playing an ARP2600. I'm hearing G-F-E at the very beginning, which I assume to be the basic pattern. Not knowing a lot about arpeggiators, my question was, could the main line we're hearing be accomplished by playing an arpeggiator this way? Or do you think he's triggering other patterns as well?
  8. Bill Bruford's Seems Like A Lifetime Ago box set, with remixed or remastered versions of all the albums that his band Bruford released, plus an unreleased live set and a demo for a never-heard 4th studio album.

    Sadly, only in my mind as yet - but it's on my birthday wish list. That band wrecked pop for me for years.

  9. I don't feel like reading ten pages to find out whether this has been covered yet. But my experience with in-ears was this: everyone kept their amp but me, and as a result, no one near the front of the stage could hear me anymore, because front/side fills were rarely deployed. It really took the fun out of playing to know that my keys were being relegated even more to the sidelines. On the plus side, I monitored 4 keyboards in stereo through a line mixer, with an extra feed from the board of everyone else, and it was like the OP said - CD quality. Just more John Tesh than Alice Cooper.
  10. I've had some bad gigs, but in my fifties I have recurring bad gig nightmares. We're opening for the Stones! But my keyboards have all been pushed to the side of the stage and buried under cables. Something like that, at least once a month. I envy people that fly and/or make love to beautiful women in their dreams. Not once for me. Just a comedy of foot-stuck-in waste-basket scenarios.
  11. In my case and in more modern days, I would have needed to pay alimony to the two previous husbands, but as it was, they got a huge chunk of my settlement (I had to pay off one's Monte Carlo SS and provide enough financial support to the second so that he would be taken care of for at least a year). The first also got the condo we were buying and everything that went with it.


    I am so grateful there were no children involved.




    Need a boyfriend? :whistle:

  12. I dated, in order: the girl you don't take home to Mama with a body built for sin and perhaps the most lost, amoral person I have ever met


    You miss her, don't you?


    Let's just say that after ten years with a woman who was only interested in my overtures about 20% of the time, the first two months with that girl was insane. In a great way. I was like a man released from prison. But it turned out she wanted a sugar daddy. Who dealt drugs. I'm way too cheap for that. I've always chosen musical gear over imbibing much of anything. Even now, my gf brings home good bourbon, and I rarely have any. Now, Papa Murphy's I can completely understand!


    Just give me the great outdoors, music, good food and a good woman and I'm all set!

  13. I married the first girl I ever fell in love with. Then convinced her we should move across the country where we knew no one. I remember driving down the road before the wedding suddenly thinking, "This is one of the last times I'll ever just drive down the road free as a bird." That should have been a clue, but when both brains are seriously into a woman it's game over for me. It least that WAS true; thank god I got the message when it was over.


    It took me years to get up the stones to ask for a divorce. After ten years together, she remarried within 6 months. I dated, in order: the girl you don't take home to Mama with a body built for sin and perhaps the most lost, amoral person I have ever met; two batpoop crazy women; a hardcore environmental activist who ended up going to the Federal pokey for doing a very bad thing, and a couple of women who were nice enough but got way too attached before we even knew each other.

    Then suddenly I got the chance to play in a national touring act. Within a year I was dating the nicest, most beautiful girl I've ever been with. Spent almost everything I didn't spend on musical instruments flying to see her or flying her out to shows.

    But she was young and suffered from depression and it ended. Met a girl closer to my age who was hilarious and gorgeous and smart. Convinced her to move to Colorado. Within days of her moving in, on my next tour, the tearful late night "I'm so lonely without you" phone calls became a daily ritual. Two years of that, and on my last tour (as I had given my notice), she started sleeping with a friend of the band.


    Shit, this is depressing!


    I just spent my sixth anniversary with the girl I've been living with for five years. I have told her my reasons for not wanting to get married, and so far she understands. In my opinion, marriage is for people who are stable and like stability. I don't think I am either of those things. Hell, I just gave up a career in medicine to focus on music again! To me, life must have adventure. And a piece of paper means nothing compared to how two people feel about each other. For me, music has always been my main squeeze. I can't live without her.

  14. I bought a ground lifter from Fred Meyer (spared no expense; 2 for 1.99), but after reading about ground lift on the net I'm scared to try it. Will my house blow up if I just try it to see if the hum goes away?

    Yeah, I'd like a wall socket tester, but I've spent almost two grand in the last month on music gear. I still want a better mixer and a couple of pedals! I quit my job in August and have been living on some dough I had stashed away.

    I need to be adopted by a rich Italian supermodel.


    Edit: Curiosity got the best of me. This rig with no hum is amazing. Guess I'll have to spring for the Ebtech hum eliminator.


    The "Sub out" on the SS is indeed mono. However, the picture of the Really Mini Tremor Sub on the Seismic Audio website shows a combo XLR jack as the input to the powered sub. The printed spec states this as well. If this is indeed what you've got, any normal 1/4" to 1/4" cable (instrument or speaker) should work.


    If indeed you have a Speakon jack on the panel of your sub, it would be different than what their website shows, and I can't address that. In that case, you can use a male 1/4" to Speakon cable (which are sold at any regular music supply store).


    Thanks, Tim. (Is it Tim? If not, thanks, Timwat!) I tried it again with different cables and everything works! I convinced myself that the sub input wanted a TRS.

    No hum from the Hammond with the same cables. But the SV-1 has never hummed before. Strange.

    Also, I was under the impression that Neutrik and Speakon were the same thing.

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