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Posts posted by bleen

  1. I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!


    I started working full-time (and then some...) for myself about 4mo. ago (producing/mixing/engineering) and that push to make things happen right out of the gate forced me to take some time away from more "recreational" pursuits.


    Things are cranking along, though, and I'm booked solid for the next four months with no signs of things abating (knock on wood!).


    I'll be sure to come by more now (I owed steadyb a phone call from months ago :( ) and not be a stranger! :thu:


    And thanks everyone for the "welcome back" on the Forum Comp. thread!!

  2. Originally posted by lrossmusic:

    The show was called "DC Homejams".

    That's a cool tune, Lincoln. The vocalist is particularly strong. Unfortunately, the recording is marred by the distortion and compression of the radio broadcast. I'd love to hear a better quality version as it's an excellent song. :thu:
  3. Well, here goes nothing. I've been composing the processional for my upcoming wedding and wanted to write something orchestral in nature, rather than my typical electronic, noisy weirdness. I figured my fiancee might appreciate that a little more than chopped up shortwave radio and distortion... :eek:


    The problem is, I have no orchestration experience, no theory background, oh, and I've gotten rid of all my synths that have any kind of acoustic sounds in them. What to do?


    Enter the Garritan Personal Orchestra ! This puppy saved my ass, and doesn't sound half-bad. Now I just had to figure out how to write this stuff.


    So, with three weeks to spare, I've finished the writing and am working on polishing up the mix. Here's where it's at currently (be gentle...):


    Bleen\'s Wedding Processional

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