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About AlanRomero95

  • Birthday 10/04/1995


  • hobbies
    Playing and Producing Music
  1. I think Les Pauls are cooler in style but both guitars are "neck and neck" when it comes to their play-ability. The other day I saw this website: https://guitargearfinder.com/faq/strat-vs-les-paul/ that compares the two in greater detail.
  2. Like I went through this help center https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Windows/No-songs-are-loading-playing-on-my-spotify-app/td-p/4683421 and nothing is working. Who else here is having issues on their Spotify
  3. Is it just me or is Spotify really sucking now. I can"t get any songs or albums to load and play except for one. What is with this app
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