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About sj1

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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  1. Wow, what a difference a day makes! I got a super answer pointing me at a thing (Guitar Wing) that days of searching on my own never turned up, and now here I am grooving to Novparolo on Spotify and lovin' it! Thanks very much Winston Psmith (and Larryz)! Now get this - out of all the world, Winston and I are totally local! I see upcoming Novparolo shows in B'more, right up the road from me. Hahaha! Life is grand!
  2. Hi All, Guitarists have been able to play the instrument wirelessly for a long time now, but I wonder, has anyone here ever had the desire also to be able to trigger FX patch changes (e.g. MIDI PC) or other stuff (e.g. MIDI CC) while you are walking around "out of position" with your guitar? I'm having tough time turning up with a control surface that is small, light, wireless, and flexible enough to be on my person for this job. Ideally, I'd like to have 8, and possibly as many as 16 tiny touch pads that could send MIDI messages wirelessly to my guitar FX unit (e.g. Helix), to my PC running KARMA to drive my synth, etc. The bare useful minimum would be 2 pads that could deliver the effect of "up" and "down" (which would require more smarts somewhere than simply sending PCs and CCs). So I thought I'd ask if anyone has ever waded into this territory and if so what did you try and what did you settle on?
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