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About igirl

  • Birthday 02/02/1900


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    Golf, music biz, film biz, photography, art, real estate
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  1. Thanks - I just decided to go for the SSL2+ - plenty of good feedback out there on it (and advice to not lean on the 4K button too much, haha). To top it off I found it brand new online for $199 - so less than I was prepared for!
  2. I've seen some input in searches but looking for more current feedback on an audio interface purchase for a new M1 MacBook Pro (2021 model 16GB memory). My old interface is a Steinberg UR22 - old being the operative word. Not Thunderbolt or USB3... and haven't been active/using it for some years. My needs are meager - simple songwriting connectivity - 2x I/O I've come across several brands/models that are both audio+MIDI interfaces. Any compromises going the all in one route? So far the short list is Universal Audio Volt 2/76 - or SSL 2+ (or 12) - cost isn't a worry though probably not looking at the really high end to start. I gravitate towards these just because the *sound* is the #1 criteria for me. (Hoping the name brand delivers more than a name sticker) Any kind of extra processing for warm analog sound - or big open tone is a bonus. If the unit can do internal processing (vs plug in) also a bonus. Bundled plug ins - big bonus but my M1 MacBook Pro is a bit of a weakling on RAM. I'll be using Logic Pro if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
  3. I think you have identified the only Mac model to have ever offered SCSI plus USB (or FW) together without adding cards/drivers etc. Assuming I were able to find one working somewhere along with the adapter (cube to Centronics, which seems widely available) - is it plug and play simple? I don't want to do anything other than connect two drives and copy from one to the other. SCSI to USB. Any issues with drivers or programs needed to make this work ( "SCSI Director" for instance)?
  4. I took a very progressive "data processing" class in high school - the machines used punch cards! Saving off of SCSI drives in a vintage Mac to CD-R might also be a remote possibility though slow, and laborious!
  5. Sad if that's all there is to accomplish this. I previously had a PowerMac 8500 tower with a USB card but it died. 😞 I suppose if I'm able to locad things and save via floppy - but that's a ton of time and floppies!
  6. There are some video edits so likely synced at least in spots. Regardless of that there were still some clams. Meanwhile I thought she was going to fall off the chair. the whole time teetering on the front 2" of it.
  7. Like the title says - I've got a ton of Jaz, Syquest, CD-ROM disks and would love to be able to consolidate it all to USB and lose all that old hardware which has been boxed up and out of sight for years. I see there are now quite a few adapters on Amazon (a few years back no one was selling these) - so I'm wondering if anyone has experience/referrals to known working adapters that could accomplish the data transfer on MacOS? In particular I'm looking at the K2700 - hoping it would be able to load legacy samples and programs similar to SCSI loading on the K2000 era instruments - but with tons more speed - otherwise it would be pointless. Interestingly the support blurb on K2700 drive compatibility only mentions thumb drives. This would be a strange limitation - why not a regular external HDD/SSD? No problem I guess. Even a little 64GB GB thumb drive could hold far more than I have in the archives!
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